TBD on Ning

Did you ever meet someone famous you idolized as a kid/teen?

I met " a few" but the most significant was Willie Aames and Michael Stanley. Willie Aames was one of the "sons' in the old sitcom "Eight is Enough"...i was 13 and acted like a tonguetied fool but he was gracious, let my dad take a picture and he kissed me on the cheek. (It was at a car show in Pittsburgh)

Now Michael Stanley, in my opinion, was one of the best rock singers/groups of all time but he was Cleveland based and his fame only stretched across a few local states. After the band's fame died down in the mid 80's, he was host to a locally famous variety show in Cleveland. So, one day in my little Ohio town, I was walking down the street with my 2 little kids. passing by about 5 people and a camera crew and I said out loud (to myself), "OMG, I think that was Michael Stanley". WELL, the man stopped, turned around and said, "Yeah Babe, I'm Michael Stanley, what is YOUR name?"  My name is Mickey Mouse, Cinderella....OMG...what WAS my name???!! LOL!!  It was one of the BEST moments of my LIFE. Looking back, seems kind of silly I was all hyped up about a "movie star" but its one of the things about being YOUNG I guess!! 

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Brings up a funny story.  When I was about 20 I was at the VA hospital in Houston doing some volunteer work with the American legion.  WE (the volunteers) sat down and were talking and this woman says "Hi, I'm Virginia Mayo".  So  I say Hi I'm Diana -----. She says really I'm Virginia Mayo. (I never had heard of her obviously) Long story short she has to explain who she was.  Now every time I seee a movie with her in it (and she was in a bunch!!) I laugh my a$$ off.  Turns out I went to high school with her grandson.

Fess Parker (Davy Crocket and Daniel Boone)


David Crosby

Bo Derrick

Rona Barrett

All the them live around me in the valley except Fabian who I met as a teen in Mich. Fess died last year, he was a great guy real down to earth and nice. There are lots of movie stars in the area so we spot them but leave them alone. My office when I worked was in a made for TV movie, that was fun, it was turned into a sheriff's office in the movie.

Don't care much about Bo Derrick.......but I sure wouldn't kick her husband out of bed, I'll tell you! ;-) John's a hunk!
I never idolized them, but as I've said before, I have waited on Steve Tyler and Aerosmith when I worked at the truckstop. He was very nice and polite. All of them were.

I did imagine Fess Parker as being a nice guy. I liked him a lot.

He was always so helpful and not at all self important. You would see him around talking to people and giving advice about gardening or asking about family to the people who worked for him. He pitched in and was so everyday. Not to mention Tall and handsome. 

The one think that I really liked about him was he went against all the rich land owners around here to help out the Chumash Indians, sold the reservation some of his property so they could expand and build homes. The land owners are still fighting the project but I think the Chumash will win this one.

Ha Ha chief, probably kept you out of mischief (not meeting the players). They can get a little wild you know.

Johnny Cash, Neil Diamond, Vince Gill, Naomi Judd, Dolly Parton, Brad Paisly, Waylon Jennings, jimmy Buffett, and probably a few more. When you live around Nashville they just turn up in all sorts of places. I once ate dinner at a Cracker Barrell next to Conway Twitty, if you know who he was. All the ones I have talked to were very nice and friendly. It is sort of an unwritten code around town that you don't bother them.

Exactly, movie stars know they won't be bothered much when they're in town unless by a tourist.

WOW, Lifesighs, so he was  a true Davy Crockett huh? (or am I thinking Daniel Boone?!) I Only kinda "discovered" the show within the past year when reruns were on every weekend when I was at my boyfriend's house. I had never seen the show before that to my recollection. Maybe I did as a little kid but dont remember. But I just loved the character he playedd and how he handled situations.

My brush with fame came on early in life...There was a local kid's show in Lawton OK where we were living...called Popeye and company...I think Olive Oyl was my role model at five. I was thrilled when I was invited to appear on the show.I was taking German lessons from a lady who had some connections I guess...and the rest was history. I got to sit in this boat which was part of the props.... with some other kids and  we all spoke a different language...I guess that supposed to be cute...little five years olds talking differnt languages. I was pretty tickled about the whole experience... me and Olive Oyl..always wanted to be tall and skinny and have big feet.....I know, right?...LOL...but genetics were not on my side.

I would love to shake Al Bundy's hand . It will never happen . I have met quite a few prominent Drag racer's . Only other person was a Congressman of North Carolina Jim Broyhill at a gas station i worked at one time ...I don't get out much .....

Oh, I completely forgot my very first brush with FAME if you call it that...When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I won a contest and ended up having some kind of big Hurrah with HOWDY DOODY and FRIENDS.....LOL!! I was such a shy little girl and I was totally the center of attention so I think I blocked out PART of it but I DO remember getting a Howdy Doody balloon, a HUMONGOUS tootsie roll container filled with tootsie rolls and lollipops, and an autographed painting that they made right in front of me of "The Whole Gang"




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