TBD on Ning

 I saw this on Rachel Maddow's show last nite. Aparently I'm worse off that I thuoght I was, bummer. I do nt want just the wealthyest 2% to caugh up more taxes I want the entire yellow 20% bar folks to be inspired to.



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There some in that 20% that pay their taxes and probably a little extra to make up for the 2%. Like me!

I heer yuo P.A.

Why are the yellows moaning they will go under if the minimum wage is raised to $9.00/hr?


I pay every year I just wish I could designate where my money goes.

Amen Sister Woman!

One of my favorite quotes, Lairs, Damn Lairs and Statistics....according to many, accredited to Disraeli and always suspect when making a point.

What we have here is question of growth and those that can and do it, the wealthy.  And they, can if do it with their fingers on the scale, sure, that is why they are wealthy, or not?

The or not part, is whether someone can in fact join the elite with their fingers, if not in the pie, on the scales to keep what they got,and get more.

Maybe the graph of wealth envy might be more telling...probably 99.9% have the problem because they would like it, to have more wealth.  And sure, more wealth than many, if not all giving the chance.  Then the question is, is this fair?  Where is my share?  Was it stolen, taking away, not given or, was it mean and evil forces at work, witchcraft or fraud, or both, not to get mine.

We have graphs for that, the question isn't the chart, it is what is being done to make any difference in what people perceive and what they experience and how this happens. 

Yuo lost me on that one exedir.

It isn't the distribution of wealth, it is how people feel about what their part is and their access that drives what is done about the balance of wealth at anytime.  If it is believed that wealth is an opportunity, then most will defend the right to be wealthy if they can aspire to it.  If it is believed that wealth is unfair obtained, at others' expense, particular one own's expense, then it isn't a graph, it is a bloody shirt at the barricades.   

What happened in this bubble is the punch bowl was taken away, suddenly, and without seeming consequences to those that espoused wealth if not obtained it, leaving everyone else behind, and behind the eight ball to any further access or hope of access.

Now about tulips....

No it is the distribution of wealth!

agreed P.A.


I dont share yuor view but now understand yuor point, thank yuo.

Yellow tulips are my favorate flower. Tulups of any color have a perfectoin of form with just enuogh suprize to be the wild sister to the impeckably shaped egg..

Pretty, and at one time pretty expensive, then someone point out they are just a tulip.




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