TBD on Ning

President Obama has taken the second bold step to alleviate the terrible hardships we're going through because of his sequestration. First he had thousand of illegal alliens released from detention centers. Now the bold move of closing the white house to all the tourists and school children that want to tour the white house. Can you imagine how much money is being saved? Oh wait. The tour guides are volunteers and do not receive any pay. Hmm, then why would he close the white house?

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So there you have it: The official position of House Republicans is that it would be better to lay off more workers than to cancel White House tours, because canceling White House tours makes it "tough" on members of Congress. Don't you feel sorry for them? I mean, it must be awful for them to have to call up campaign contributors who requested White House tour tickets and tell them that the tours have been canceled because of the sequester—the sequester that they created.

If only there were something House Republicans could have done to avoided this great tragedy. You know, something like being willing to replace the sequester with something more reasonable. But they couldn't bring themselves to do that, and now we're stuck with the sequester ... and now that we're stuck with the sequester, the only thing they seem to be upset about is the one thing that impacts them on a personal level. As far as they're concerned, the hundreds of thousands of Americans that their fiscal policies are putting out of work can go take a hike.

 Less government spending is key to growth

Posted: Tuesday, March 5, 2013 9:31 pm

To the editor:

The attempt by failed congressional candidate Neil Burns to take our

Congressman, Kevin Brady, to task for his two opinion editorials “Growing

our economy must start with reducing spending,” and “Let Sequester shrink

Washington, grow jobs” was about as successful as his 2012 campaign. His

penchant for channeling the ridiculous rhetoric of liberal politicians like Vice

President Joseph Biden contributed to the reason he was so soundly rejected

by the voters of our District.

Biden showed his lack of understanding of basic economics when he said,

“You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?

The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.” Burns own economic

ignorance is manifest when he says, “You cannot cut your way to prosperity.”

Actually, yes you can; at least when it comes to government spending.

From 1981 to 2001, the size of federal government spending declined from over

22 percent of our Gross Domestic Product to 18 percent. During that time, the

private sector added 37 million jobs, an increase of 50 percent. As government

spending increased to over 25 percent of GDP between 2001 and 2009, the

private sector lost almost 5 million jobs.

Every dollar the government takes from families and businesses to use in the

public sector is a dollar less that the private sector will see used for consumer

spending, business expansion and job growth.

The voters of District 8 know that the last thing we need is for Washington to

take and spend more of our hard-earned money, and we’re thankful to have

representation in D.C. who understands that.

Thank you, Mr. Brady, for supporting sequestration. All that we ask now is

that you fight to cut even more.

Walter D. Wilkerson Jr., M.D.

Chairman, Montgomery County Republican Party

gotta love a republican who can't seem to keep things straight....like all of them....("willikers mr wilson..that's why they want viagra covered under medicare!")

so it was better for the country under clinton and worse under george bush....gee i thought we all knew that already......and LLL, we seem to have a troll in our midst....how bout we ignore some of the blathering

yet the same party is whining about defense cuts costing 247,000 jobs in texas from military bases and the impact on the civilian jobs in the defense industries and the suppliers to said bases under contracts etc..sort of like the only good govt is the one that puts money in our sweaty little hands....sorta sounds like mitt and his 47 per cent comments yes?

Im getting tired of the Troll arent yuo LLL? I see that he deleated the ending shot ugly insult at liberals from the end of the original discussoin. I gess I'd better start copy and pasteing .

oh..I am not a ass hole. Got It.

 There IS a piont where it is reasonable to voice disaproval. 

I thought our troll left; sorry to see he/she's back.


by the way, have you noticed how some people assume ANYTHING done by the federal government is done with the full knowledge in microscopic detail of the President. that belief can only be explained by either the person believing that has never run any kind of management involving other people and they aren't too bright or the person is actively seeking out anything they can to 'show ' us what a terrible president they think we have.

and again our republican legislators toss us some halfwitted comedy relief....you would think they would get tired of embarrassing themselves but thankfully they don't.

Bill would require justices to draw straws for job

Week after tax ruling, Republican senators seek to cut state Supreme Court by 4 justices

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) -- Still stinging from a Supreme Court ruling last week that overturned tax-increase constraints on the Legislature, three Republican senators have introduced a bill seeking to cut the high court by four justices.

The measure, introduced Wednesday, would require a public meeting for the current nine justices to draw straws. The four that draw the shortest straws "shall be terminated and those judges shall not serve the remainder of their respective unexpired terms."

Any savings to the state would be used to fund basic education. That section is a reference to the court's order that the Legislature is not fulfilling its constitutional duty to pay for education in the state.

Republican Sen. Michael Baumgartner, of Spokane, insists it's a serious bill, saying that as the Legislature looks to make cuts in other areas of state government, "why should the judiciary be exempt?"

Supreme Court justices currently make more than $164,000 a year. Baumgartner said that by reducing the court, you also reduce salaries that need to be paid to their clerks and other staffers.

"There's a lot of school teachers you could hire with these salaries," he said.

When asked about the drawing straws scenario, he said it was "simply an issue of making it fair."

Sen. Doug Ericksen, of Ferndale, and Janea Holmquist Newbry, of Moses Lake, have signed on to the bill, as well.

In a 6-3 ruling last week, the court ruled that an initiative requiring a two-thirds requirement for tax increases was in conflict with the state constitution and that lawmakers and the people of Washington would need to pass a constitutional amendment in order to change from a simple majority to a supermajority.


which proves they are for any constitution unless they don't get their way

These nut case legislatures are getting completely out of hand. Here in Tennessee I can now carry my gun (if I had one) anywhere I want. Including schools, bars and other people's private property even if they object. I will also be able to carry a switchblade knife or any other knife I want anywhere I want. Of course I can't carry either of these to the state capital where the people who make these laws are. They are also trying to force Vanderbilt University, a private school, to allow school affiliated clubs and groups to discriminate against anyone that wants to join their group based on religion, sexual orientation or political beliefs. Vanderbilt's rules against discrimination are "discriminating" against christians. I guess christains should be allowed to discriminate but no one else.




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