TBD on Ning

        The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March, The Associated Press has learned.

The White House has said it was not consulted about the releases, and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has acknowledged they occurred in a manner she regrets. White House spokesman Jay Carney on Wednesday said the government had released "a few hundred" of the roughly 30,000 illegal immigrants held in federal detention pending deportation proceedings. Carney said the immigrants released were "low-risk, noncriminal detainees," and the decision was made by career ICE officials.


So the White House new nothing. Janet Napolitano new nothing. Jay Carney said that a "few hundred" were released. How do you know what the truth is with this administration?

What next? Obama will blame the Republicans for coming up with sequestration? Obama will promise to find the killers of our Benghazi Embassy personel? We don't know anything about fast and furious. Oops we forgot to tell you about our drones. There is no spending problem in Washington. Drip, drip, drip, drip!!!


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2 days ago

White House was 'unaware' of immigration detainee release

CNN Political Unit

(CNN) – Neither the White House nor the Homeland Security Department headquarters were made aware of the Immigration Customs and Enforcement decision to release detainees ahead of the pending forced spending cuts, an administration official said Wednesday.

Separately, at a press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the decision was made by ICE "without any input from the White House."

"The agency released these low-risk, non-criminal detainees under a less-expensive form of monitoring to ensure detention levels stayed within ICE's overall budget," he said.



*ICE- Immigration Customs and Enforcement

""The agency released these low-risk, non-criminal detainees under a less-expensive form of monitoring..." -Jay Carney

 From what i have seen there is no "Lie" involved. ICE took independent actoin with uot President Obamas knowledge. I doubt that he is normaly informed on non-criminal detaine releases

   The rest of yuor comment is nonsence with the intent to inflame...sort of like a Troll.


DANG! Where did problems coment go, ther wasnt anything uot of line in it.

Mr. Salt we enjoy having you here but could you please say something positive sometimes. Most of us are not interested in the right wing talking points you continue to post. Why not read a newspaper or magazine sometime or maybe watch a little TV. History, Discovery or even SyFy would give you a broader view.

he spent about 2 to 3 years on eons posting the same stuff...never a thing but how obama was the antichrist for america. the few facts he posts are generally very isolated and he gleans all his info from rupert murdoch and right wing papers that blatantly 'take a conservative stance' (i.e. not real journalism but rather events spun and twisted according to a viewpoint ...don't like facts? ignore them...don't like people's answers with facts? ignore those too as he has done in the time he has been here) not a personal attack on him but rather an explanation of why he can be considered not worth the time to refute his points. it doesn't involve a real discussion by any stretch of the imagination

I see, thanks.




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