This has nothing to do with horses but it was a new experience for me. It as so cold in the target area that I was firing my pistol with my gloves on! I didn't do too badly either!
I used to target shoot as a kid. It was fun!
Do you do it for recreation, Carol, or to keep your aim sharp, or for some other reason?
What kind of pistol were you using? Do you have other weapons in your home?
It was on my bucket list to learn how to shoot a gun but in NYC under the law, you can't even pick up a gun unless you are licensed. Of course there's the illegal angle, but I'm not good about skulking around dark alleys. In fact this year, I plan to sell it now that I've achieved my goal. I have a Ruger Mark II .22 caliber semiautomatic and it's the only one I own. At one time I thought I might compete, but when I developed the macular degeneration in my left eye, it effected my sighting ability. I tried sighting with my right eye for a year and it hasn't improved my skill. Well I achieved my goal and it's crossed off my bucket list. On to the next one!
It's time to review the USDF article titled Scribing 101 and begin practicing. I set up some blank copies of the test forms and now need to find a person to read the test while I endeavor to transcribe comments. The person will be reading from my old tests. My trainer suggested that if I have Jane Savoie's DVD "On the Levels" I can scribe from her comments for practice. Not sure if I have that DVD...maybe I can borrow someone's copy.
You might search the computer at your local library, Carol, to see if Jane's DVD is in the NYS library system. Sometimes local dressage associations will have a "borrowing library," as well.
I looked on eBay and on and didn't see it. It's $39 or so elsewhere. Argh!
My trainer has a copy and is going to go on a scavenger hunt for it this weekend (she just moved into a new house). That price is a bit steep just to practice scribing! The local dressage association is further out on LI, but I can maybe post an ad on their website and see what happens.
COOL. Your trainer is surely the most convenient!
If she/he can't find it, be sure to check your dressage association's website for a lending library--many DAs have them, and they usually show up online. They're usually no charge to rent, and the videos can be sent to you in the mail.
Yesterday's lesson on Valencia was disappointing: try as I might I could not get her to canter and we had the indoor all to ourselves! I guess we were not communicating on the same level. On a lighter note, my trainer and I were critiquing another student who was practicing the stretchy circle and I could score correctly the horse's response to the aids, but after a few minutes when she couldn't elicit an improved response despite changing the aids, I came to the conclusion that for whatever reason, the horse just didn't want to do it. They're like us at times.
Good job on scoring, Carol! It takes knowledge and a keen eye.
I agree that there are some rare times when it's best to pick your battle--especially if you know your horse is physically or emotionally uncomfortable or you, the rider, just aren't on top of your game. Generally, I don't stop an exercise until I've gotten the correct response at least once.
If you've used the correct aids to indicate the transition to canter and, if needs be, you've added a tap from your whip (held in the outside hand to support your outside leg), and still no go, there are lots of "tricks" you can use to get the canter. Your trainer will probably know them.
Here's one that will also help with bend:
Walk on a small circle to bend Valencia. Be sure that you are balanced, centered, and relaxed in the saddle--not leaning or gripping or pulling the reins. Just before you finish the small circle, keep the bend and apply the aids for the canter. Being slightly "off balance," Valencia will probably canter willingly. Once she canters, arc out onto a larger circle, being sure you're staying relaxed and sitting upright, then out to the full arena. Praise her. (Even three strides in a relaxed canter, then a quiet downward transition, is enough to make a point.)
Today was a lunge line lesson day since the horses hadn't been out for 2 days. Valencia, who for the last 6 lessons, I practically had to beg her to trot, was now motoring around the indoor! Plus she felt a bit twitchy each time another horse either passed her or came toward her. Now I'm always interested in lessons where no one gets hurt especially me...I've reached an age where I don't bounce as well as I used to. So on a 15 meter circle we worked at bending and rhythmic trotting and did quite well eventhough I had to half halt several times.
Hahaha! Yeah--it's more break than bounce now, that's for sure!
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