...designed to address the problem of gun violence in America. The following are the items addressed:
t does not appear that any of the executive orders would have any impact on the guns people currently own-or would like to purchase- and that all proposals regarding limiting the availability of assault weapons or large ammunition clips will be proposed for Congressional action. As such, any potential effort to create a constitutional crisis—or the leveling of charges that the White House has overstepped its executive authority—would hold no validity.
Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions:
1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.
4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.
5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.
6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.
7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make itwidely available to law enforcement.
11. Nominate an ATF director.
12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with propertraining for active shooter situations.
13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control toresearch the causes and prevention of gun violence.
15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effectiveuse of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to developinnovative technologies.
16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patientsabout guns in their homes.
17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibitsthem from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.
18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.
20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.
21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.
22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.
23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.
The President can not act beyond the constraintes of his office.That is a given.
I am glad that he put a fiarly broad package uot there. The lions share wil never get thru but after it is gutted perhaps a more efective back gruond check wil emerge.
The NRA wil go dirtyier. Even questioning protectoin for the presidents children is fair game to them. The NRA didnt mension the risk to national security if ANY presidents children wer killed kidnaped etc. did they? NRA lowlifes protecting their MONEY.
Congressional obstructionists wil do what they do best.The radical right with keep the 2nd amendment extreemists whiped up into a frensy.
..that is exactly why poeple like us cant give up P.A., we do care.
Even when people read the amendment, they are going to interpret it the way their biases tell them to. Let’s just repeal the damn thing and start over.
That's going to be a real hard thing to do, repeal the 2nd amendment...
A majority of the states voting is required for that... None of the southern or western states are going to give up their gun rights...
We have done it once, 21st repealed the 18th, but overall a tough thing to do. It takes 2/3 of both house to propose an amendment and 3/4 of the states to approve, which means it would take 38, or, in another words only 13 to stop the process.
I can count 12 states, on my fingers and toes, sure to vote against it...VA. N Carolina.S Carolina. Georgia. Alabama.Miss.Louisiana.TX.New Mexico. Az. then up to Co. Wy. Montana...
Then I'll throw in mine Iowa for the 13th...Or even S.Dakota...
Oh, of course it will not be repealed. Then how about making it apply only to "arms" as they existed when the Constitution was ratified. Another impossible idea, but it is fun to throw them out there.
Oh1 That's funny!
I've been shooting with some of these 2nd amendment types and they're lucky if they can hit the side of a barn if they're standing inside the barn. What would they ever do with a musket that's about as accurate as a Daisy Red Ryder BB-Gun at ~100 yards.
Folks who buy assault weapons believe they look bad. The gun or him/herself? Their excuse is always, "to defend myself from my government" Even if they mean Democrats, they're still traitors to their own country. We aren't exactly being occupied or colonized by a foreign power. And we did allow them to vote last year, even though they tried to stop "them lefties" from voting. Still are .. see what happened in PA yesterday?
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