TBD on Ning

you think maybe it's the water? or maybe it is genetic? but here is a complete fu**wit and from texas...what a surprise!....

Incoming Texas State Rep. Kyle Kacal says guns don’t kill people—ping-pong kills people.

"I've heard of people being killed playing ping-pong—ping-pongs are more dangerous than guns," he says. "Flat-screen TVs are injuring more kids today than anything."

The Consumer Product Safety Commission does warn that some sports equipment may have unexpected hazards—for instance, brands of tennis rackets have been recalled because of possible exposure to lead.

Also in the category of Things That Are Dangerous But Are Not Ping-pong: One model helicopter had to come off the shelves because of—yikes—“laceration hazards.


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and in a related roundtable on the subject, grover norquist on this week with george stepanopolous takes a position that "the democrats are 'politicizing' the newtown shooting since they didn't try to ban assault weapons before the incident"..(great way to shift the debate to "it's obama's fault").and he is against the ban. he likes the idea of armed cops in all the schools and concealed carry permits for gun owners....wait wait...wasn't grover the guy against raising taxes? so where does that money come from? maybe out of the readin', 'ritin', and 'rithmatic budget? and the nra has been traditionally against background checks and suddenly they are for background checks....fine great idea...and that might keep the guns out of some people's hands by dint of previous criminal activity and/or previous TREATED and /or REPORTED mental illness...what about all the unreported and untreated ones? and not to mention the secondary market for guns that are legally bought from dealers or gun shows and then resold for profit.....and it doesn't take sherlock holmes to realize that the secondary market is, in part, those people who CAN'T buy guns from a gun dealer because of background checks

let's use LOGIC as a tool for a change

I really can't believe the NRA's cure for the problem, finally, a few days late...

"The answer to the gun problem is more guns."


Clearly, we have to arm fire fighters now too.  Something is really wrong with this picture.

I can see it now. Firehose in one hand gun in the other.

Chalk in one hand, gun in the other...pretty soon, we will have no choice but to arm nurses and doctors, stethoscope in one hand...

Who is going to arm the Amish?

Even Israel Is Fact-Checking the NRA Now

Adam Clark Estes 2,479 Views Dec 23, 2012

On Sunday morning, Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association, told the world that armed guards stopped school shootings in Israel. Israel begs to differ. "Israel had a whole lot of school shootings until they did one thing," LaPierre said sitting calmly on Meet the Press. "They said, 'We're going to stop it,' and they put armed security in every school, and they have not had a problem since then."

Well Mr. Pierre, that would awesome if it were true. But according to Yigal Palmor, spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry, it's not. More specifically, the two situations are "fundamentally different," and Israel's actually tightened its gun control laws in recent years. "We didn't have a series of school shootings, and they had nothing to do with the issue at hand in the United States. We had to deal with terrorism," Palmor told the New York Daily News. "What removed the danger was not the armed guards but an overall anti-terror policy and anti-terror operations which brought street terrorism down to nearly zero over a number of years."

Well this is awkward. It's kind of like the first time two days ago that LaPierre told the nation that we needed to put an armed guards in every American school to prevent more school shootings. This, despite the fact that there was an armed guard at Columbine High School in 1999, but 13 people died from gunshot wounds anyways. Within minutes, journalists pointed out myriad examples of other shootings where armed guards or bystanders failed to stop massacres as well as plenty of data about how ineffective the strategy would be.

LaPierre's creative understanding of the truth isn't necessarily the issue here, though. LaPierre has failed to check his facts on quite a few other issues lately, and that's fine because plenty of good reporters did it for him after the fact. He's not doing anybody any favors by trying to rope other countries into this problem, though. In Palmor's words, "It would be better not to drag Israel into what is an internal American discussion."

so from that we can infer one of two things....either he is so stupid, he doesn't get the difference between terrorism and mental illness.....or he intentionally puts a creative spin on and alters what are facts...

okay, you're crazy!..if you keep the guns OUT of the equation to begin with, you don't have children in the middle of a firefight...and pray tell, seeing as how the bad guys might have assault rifles, do those armed officers then have to match that firepower? and where does that end?

NRA Chief LaPierre: 'Call Me Crazy'

National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre fired back at his critics today, defending his proposal to put armed guards in every school in the country as a way to prevent future tragedies like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that took the lives of 20 children and six adults.

"If it's crazy to call for armed officers in our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy," the head of the powerful gun lobby said today on NBC's "Meet the Press."


We are the 5% of the world who owns 50% of the guns in the world, we have the most gun-related deaths of all western industrialized nations, and we still can't figure out what the problem could be other than we don't have enough guns.  It's maddening to be an American these days, lumped together with the other 50% of the country who Ms. Palin calls "Real Americans".

yeah i guess thats what i'm basicly askin for .. some kinda test to evaluate who might just go bonkers .. no such test yet ?? why don't we get some of the best physcological minds workin on it toot sweet ?? seems to me like its a few years too late as it is .. cause the kinda shootins we've been talkin about have all been done by physco's .. i'll admit there are a lot of homicides that are done solely over turf or drugs or some other kinda crime .. and not because they're nuts .. money and sex and drugs .. and thats most of em .. because if this discussion was about everybody else and not the physco's then we could talk all day about how they should be puttin these guys away who have used a gun illegally .. or sold a gun to someone who shouldn't have it cause they were a felon .. we could talk about some of the laws that are on the books that never seem to get enforced now ..we could talk about how they chose that life and thats one of the hazards of livin that kinda life .. and how its a shame that innocent people get caught in the crossfire sometimes .. but you know all that already .. what we're all up in arms about is the killin of all them innocent kids .. and right we should be .. but that wasn't a crime over drugs or money or turf .. or a rival gang .. there was no motivation at all behind it except the guy was sick in the head .. just like the guy who shot gabby gifords or the guy who shot up that batman movie theatre .. or any of the other school shootins .. and why do these nuts keep on pickin the schools ?? or the theatre ?/ why don't they go down to the hood and try and shoot up some gang members if they wanna make a statement ?? or how about a police station ?? you wanna know why ?? cause they'll shoot back and it will be over in less than a minute .. as crazy as they are they don't see the sport in it that way .. they can't get their body count , which is what they're aimin for .. what is it up to now 23 ?? so the next whacko has to get more than 23 if he expects to get any kinda notoriety .. as crazy as they are they are somehow still keepin some kinda score .. its the i can kill more unsuspectin innocents than you game .. but they only get to play it once cause they all kill themselves when the game is over.. not only do they hve no regard for the innocent lives they have no regard for their own .. and thats what makes em really hard to deal with .. and thats the big difference between them and the gangster .. the ganster will try to shoot his way out of a bad situation .. or shoot a rival because he thinks he has the drop on him .. he doesn't try to get his own self killed ( altho with that kinda reckless activity its a pretty good bet that he might ) but killin himself ain't never his aim .. if he gets shot its by another gangster or the cops .. so while they're still dangerous that crazy test probably wouldn't apply to them .. they'd need a whole different type of test .. like a just how recklessly aggressive are you test perhaps ?? again i don't have all the answers here . but it just might be time we start testin people before we give them a gun permit ..     




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