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Westboro Baptist Church Cult Plans to Protest Connecticut Shooting Funerals – Using the Tragedy as a “Sign from God”

Known for their infamous protests of 9/11, in which they displayed picket signs thanking God for the event that killed thousands of Americans, the Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals as they believe this is another sign of God’s work. Supporter and member Shirley Phelps-Roper tweeted about the expected protest:

Another tweet about how Westboro Baptist Church cult plans to protest Connecticut shooting funerals has hit the mainstream social media as Margie Phelps tweeted:

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This is a copy paste from a FB post with some info on these characters.

essica Wicks It's true. Btw Anonymous has declared war on them. They began today by hacking their computers and getting personal emails, home addresses and phone numbers and releasing them to the public. More to come I'm sure.

My community (LGBT) has been dealing with these guys for years. Here's the rest of the story. Most of the church members are one family. Fred is the daddy. He was abused severely as a child and did the same to his kids. Believe it or not he was once a civil rights lawyer, but got disbarred for unethical practices. After he was disbarred, he organized the Westboro Baptist Church with him as the leader. A couple of his kids and his wife are also attorneys. So they do these outrageous things, then if someone loses it and attacks them, they turn around and sue that person. Lawsuits fund much of what they do. 

The Southern Poverty Law Center has already named them a hate group. They will be kept at least a half mile away from the funeral for their protest. When they show up around here, we usually organize a counter activity, not so much a protest as a fundraiser for some worthy cause. 

Oh and finally, no they are not Christians though they read from the Bible. The church is only a tax shelter and a vehicle to spread their hate. One son escaped the family and he's okay. The rest... well if there is a hell after death, chances are they are at the head of the list. They protested funerals for AIDS victims, then funerals for soldiers, and now this. No class to be found anywhere with this gang.

And what about this Victoria Jackassson mess. She equates the killer with abortionists. As if one thing has to do with the other. The parents of those kids did not abort them. The children were murdered by a stranger.

The Freedom of Religion in this country will also lead to abuse of that right.  Westboro is but one example.

What we have to remember about political activist opportunists like Victoria, she is a Jackass.  What a name, I would'a had it changed LOL ....

" As if one thing has to do with the other."


Exactly acording to Westborro Baptist "God Hates Fags" is somehow expressed  by God cuasing 9/11 Twin Towers etc, God Hateing Fags is the reason uor soldiers die in battle, etc. etc.

Now they haress and protest at little childrens funerals.

Gay men have nothing to do with these horrible events unless they happen to be the soldier killed or victom of the terrorist on 9/11.As a matter of fact one of the men who overpowered the terrorists during the Pennsilvania 9/11 plane crash was a gay guy.

There IS NO lodgic involved, just like Victoria Jackassson/ abortionists.

Westborrow Baptist is simply a very active church of Hate.  


God did not invent firearms....The Chinese did...Samuel Colt just made everybody equal...

Actually, Westboro is neither Baptist nor a church. It is basically a cult of one family...a pathetic, demented family, to be sure.  Real Baptists even reject it. It is one of the many blots on the face of humankind. 

the link has what is supposed to be the membership lists from westboro...


#OPWestboro Membership List.

Westboro Baptist Church

3701 SW 12th St

Topeka, KS 66604

Phone: 785-273-0325

Email: wbclist@speakfree.net

Email: info@phelpschartered.com

Email: chockenbarger@cox.net


signed and reposted to other sites. thanks problem.

This is the fastest growing petition yet, over a hundred and fifty thousand signatures in just 4 days...!!!!

it's actually up to 188,524 as of this moment...





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