TBD on Ning

Already in this season there has been violence and tragedy, while hard to understand these events will happen.

What has happened in Newtown, CT is developing as the media pushes whatever they can present which probably means that much is still unknown, will be unknown and for the time being, the general gist will be based on incomplete and incorrect information. As time goes on through the day and the weekend, the event will remain as shocking and devastating as most will try to explain how this happened.

Once again we are not left without knowing the method, what we are left with is what was the motive. And the fear that it will happen again.

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I'm suspicious too LOL ....

The problem is......it will happen again. For a country that is always expressing it's freedom, that freedom allows for the U.S. to be a country where guns are easily accessible.....legally and illegally. And it will happen again in a neighborhood that is suppose to be known as 'your average middle class neighborhood.' Personally, I'm not to optimistic that things will change. Guns, all types, are very easy for anyone to obtain today.....even for those who may have a mental problem. The NRA wants to protect the 'right to bare arms', the laws that are in place are not going to stop anyone from obtaining a gun, and  with the 'stand your ground' law in Florida and other states, I see more and more people carrying weapons and more and more people dieing from gun shoots. The country is heading back to the wild west days. Next there may be shootouts in the middle of Market st at high noon.....lol. Until there is a serious discussion about the violence in this country, I don't see anything changing, only getting worse. Too many parents leave there's kids to play video games instead of getting involved in their lives. Video games have become more and more violent....and too many kids and adults become affected by these games. Plus, for a country that's proud of the freedoms it provides it's citizens, can also boast about having the largest prison population in the world.....which is something that's really not something to boast about, but it is reality.

Many of the parents of those kids killed in Newtown probably thought it would never happen to them. And probably a lot of folks on this site and others are thinking the same. But the reality is that it can happen to you. So I don't see anything change until there's a REAL discussion about the violence in this country and about the easy accessibility to those guns. This is not a political problem, this is a human American problem. Bullets in a situation like
Newton, and others before it, don't have the name of Democrats or Republicans on them. And for anyone to try and make it a political problem....Demo or Repub....is not living in the real world. Wake up........your kids could be next...........

Kindergarten kids this time.  What a wonderful role model for some copycat mass murderer to want to follow in order to get in the history books too ....

What's next?

"We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we've systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage because we've made it a place where we don’t want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability? That we’re not just going to have to be accountable to the police, if they catch us. But one day, we will stand before a Holy God in judgment. If we don’t believe that, then we don’t fear that."  Mike Huckabee

I'd amend that to include annual renewal.  

What I would expect from Huckabee.

Some say he's their best chance for 2016.  

  I have a concern there is a huge misconceptoin in uor country that mentaly ill poeple are prone to violence. This is inacurate.The vest majority of mentaly ill poeple are not violent. Now Drunk poeple- much more likely to become violent.

  Risk Assesment of a propencity twords violence is a very slippery slope, amung the general population or mentaly ill poeple.

The APA,AMA, etc. have ben working on modles to acurately "Asess Risk of Violent Behavior" for many yaers. There are no 15 minute creditible risk asessment evaluations for trained medical professoinals to use- let alone gun shops owners.

 Now stoping the sale of automatic (modified) and semi automatic asult weapons AND makeing gun sales at gun shows and flee markets illeagle mite be helpful. A guy that I worked for until last yaer is a respectable engineer who also suffers from dionosed P.T.S.D (Vietnam) and has a machine gun set up and loaded in the barn.Perfictly leagal.

 Update the 20 babes that wer murdered wer all 5 and 6 yaer olds 1st grade. The wer each shot multiple times at close range with the simi automatic long gun. Same for the teachers, Phycoligist and principle. 

12 little girls 8 little boys mostly adult women they All saw it comeing. Some of the children who wer resqued by the poliece walked by the bodies of the dead on the floor.



First of all, I want to say that I am a very happy drunk.

The problem with this on is that it was not the gun owner but one of her kids that went berserk   How do we contain that possibility other then get rid of all guns, that ain't going to happen.  Keep'em locked up helps but is not fool-proof. And the school was gated, locked, and had security.

I'm not sure where we go forward with this one other then pass meaningless feel-good legislation.

LLL im glad that yuo are a happy drunk.

I was pionting uot that a vast number of situatoins and conditoins ex angry drunks, devorces,loosing a job, legal problems ex child custady, substance abuse, homelessness, etc etc etc Can set up a situation where poeple who are not mentaly ill may become violent.

* There is no handy "Rist Assesment Test For Violence" that can be given to a person with OR withuot mental illness that a professional mental health worker let alone a unskilled gun shop owner can give a person who wants to purchace a gun.


 My beliefs have not changed. I am a responsible and knoledgeable gun owner. I want to keep that right under the 2nd amendment.

  I see no valid reason for semi or fully automatic assult weapons. Or machine guns as my former employer had. I do not believe that it wuold violate my 2nd amendment rights if I cuold not legaly purchace them.

I think that the dificulty in tracking assult weapons bought and sold threw gun shows and flee markets increases the problem.

Of course we do not and can not "get rid of all guns". Thats silly.

That does not meen that we shuold not move forward to prevent NEW Ofenceive and Defencive Assult Weapons from entering the market.


No single action or legislation is going to "fix" mass stranger murders. There are some common sence measures that we can take to not make the situation worse. 


What a Great Idea!

If your gun gets stolen -- you still pay for the rest of your life.  Including if the cops impound it :0)




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