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"It's not like the OLD teebeedee ! I HATE it ! And I hate YOU, too, you LIBERAL !" in 4..3..2...

I needed that LOL....  Is there a song with the words, "Like a transfusion" la la la ....

...Dang Does CE@P stil think LIBERALS are the suorce of all evil???

No, they don't think ...


Can't we all get along?

This is a country not of liberals or conservatives, it is a country of Americans....ah, more or less.   And what we do have is a need to be able to discuss issues and opinions as much as cuss about what people think and why.  

What prior discussion shows, regardless of sites, groups and members is we are split, divided and opinionated to a point of not getting done what needs to get done,...ah, more or less.  What we do have are labels and brands for much of what others say and do which probably only serve  as a classification purpose and yes, it does serve to profile in advance of content.

Getting along is very difficult when one side believes they are totally right even when they lose the election.

 "Can't we all get along?"

-Probably not easily or imediently.Damage has ben done.

 As far as "the need" to discus issues and opinions in terms of the gruops, there wil be more in time and with new members joining us. LLL has put up many excelent threds alredy that certianly qualify for discussoin.    

 I am glad that swearing is not condoned on this site. AND i am glad that Trolls and evil- spirited heckleing sans swearing are not condoned eather.

 It has only ben a week since the 2 gruops wer formed under new leadership and at a different site with diferent community guidelines.

"give peace a chance"




Are we entirely missing the single biggest story of the election?  Namely, the radical right-wing, off-the-rails lurch of the Republican Party, both in terms of its agenda and its relationship to the truth?

I strongly reject the strictures of false equivalency that bind the GOP and can easily conclude that GOP leaders have become "ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition."

Norman Orenstein & Thomas Mann

Norman Orenstein & Thomas Mann dont pull punches aparently and suond acurite to me.


In terms of the concept of the Republican party devisoin.

Im starting to think that if the GOP Does Not completely sever its tie with the TPpolitics and $$$$ the infiteing cuold-

1)Continue until the Republican party as we have nown it for most of uor lives devides into Two Seperate and distinct partys.

   a) GOP Republicans

   B) Tea Party


2) The GOP finds that is not strong enuogh to contian TP backed Republicans and is esentialy devoured by them, keeping the ' Republican' party- in name only.

3) The Republican Party pre- TP revolutoin, grows a set and systematicaly "pink slips" TP elected oficials probably by stelth and trechery. Simontainiously nipping 2014 and 2016 TP canidates in the bud. ..That is starting to suond like a tall order.

* I dont think the TP wil merge entirely with traditoinal conservatives, I think it wants its own idenity.

*Since the electoin the TP is viewing Republicans as weak, way to far middle and with contempt.




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