TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16201

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Morning, gang. It's so balmy here I've had to turn the ceiling fan & central fan on! January?? This time last year we had a snow/ice storm!

Tomorrow will be the last decent day for awhile, so they say. Cold, snowy weather looms ahead.

It was a real nice day up here in Northwestern Lower Michigan.  I put in a  l-o-o-o-o-o-n-g  session at the donut shop today. There was a very nice group of people assembled, and heck, I really didn't have anything else to do.

After a quick visit to the bank, I wandered over to the new bar and grill for lunch.  My buddy George hooked me up with a HUGE amount of fries, as usual, and also loaded up the ham and Swiss sandwich with lettuce and tomato.  So I waddled my way out of there, stopped and visited with my mother briefly, and then went on home to spend the afternoon in a carb overload funk.

Probably no supperdinner will be consumed by me this evening.

Hiya Stir!   Lovely weather down here in West MI!  Apparently it's all going down the tubes tomorrow night.   8-10 " of snow and coooooold!   Oh well,  each day is one closer to spring!

I think ya'll Michiganders oughtta join us in Largo, FL next month to escape the winter for a few days.

It is sooo mild here right now. Unseasonably warm. I didn't even need a jacket on to walk the dogs at 10:20pm tonight!

My status: Tired. Content. Batchin' it. Drank my hard cider too fast, so I'm gonna have to have a 2nd one. ;-p

*drive by*

Morning, all! Hope everyone has a good day today!

No status change other than the weather people act like Armageddon is descending!  

Sheesh...this is  what we do in the "Mitten: state, it SNOWS!!!!!

We have a tiny bit of snow but what fell on the roads melted and then when it got dark it froze. The driveway and street in front of my house is slick as glass. We stayed in for supper (dinner)

I worked a longer than expected day & feel like cr@p for leaving my poor dogs for waaay too long. Ducatiman's in Vegas, so there was no one to let them out. I need to find some sort of backup plan.

Work was fun today.

Ducatiman comes home tomorrow night after being away on business all week. We were both always so fiercely independent before "us"; it's strange, this interdependence. I miss him! 

Its back to work tomorrow, at least for part of a day.  Things are real slow.  Frankly, I wouldn't mind not working ever again, but economics dictate that I bring home some sort of a paycheck, for awhile yet.


Maintaining the presence~~~

ACK, finally took down the Christmas tree and stowed it . I've been rassling with the blues. Didn't feel like sharing.

I happen to like it when it snows. I'm not driving in it but I love to throw on some shearling boots and walk through it. I just don't want to get run over by someone sliding around on the road. This year they are being cheap about throwing down the salt but the town is in the red. Big time. I've been using the ashes from the pellet stove on the ice far enough away from the doorstep to keep the rugs inside the house somewhat clean. Hello to all of you , stay warm and eat lots of brownies!!




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