TBD on Ning

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rant: my eyes keep watering, probably going blind.

Rave: maybe I can get medicial marjuiara

I would say there is some cuttin' and shootin' in order.

Course I tend to take the most straight forward, logical route.

Next year the beef might be $50.00. 

Whew.....I so don't like to get involved with trading or bartering.  This one sounds like apples and oranges....or maybe apples and prunes.

Yup, and consider this.  The husband's product value could be considered at wholesale, or what he paid for it.  Yours would be at retail.

Sometimes you just can't be good to some people.

you get free shipping? How?

You might want to suggest to her that she ought to go into the field of politics - They'll hire almost ANYBODY. And with her talents, she'll go far.

Quinn, It's cool, that was just their way of saying Merry FU Christmas. 

'Froehliche Weihnachten!'

Und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

'Froehliche Weihnachten!' is German for Merry Christmas.

Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia!




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