TBD on Ning

It's Friday.

Chucks is gone and so is his Q&A Group. As JayLee feared so are the Vibes. Since there is no Question and answer group there appears to be no check in.


So Let's do it over here. It's the start of the weekend! Time to have fun.


There is all kinds of bad news.

1. Looks like tbd is splintering.

2. After two days the TBD Stalwarts has only 7 members.

3. The Stock Market tanked yesterday.

4. The end of the world is near.

5. The Zombies are still here


Everybody check in and give me some good news.


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Oh yeah, I'm still around, still grindin' it out in the workplace for awhile.
I stop when I can..some days I catch myself coming and going..
I tried to catch myself once, but I was too fast.
Don't tell Jaylee.
I am here:


But I'm not all there.
Where is here?
I've always been here 'cept when I'm there, which isn't often.
Aggie, Here is where the heart is.
Well said, TeeBubbaDee.
Just doin my job Goldi.
I'm here, there and a few other places...
I'm a lucky dog, I think I've maxed out the smooch-o-meter.




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