TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Dick, ahhhh... I mean Rick Perry Is the governor of Texas??? Geez, I thought he was just another televangelist.
He is, he is....

Rave: "look Ma, no cavities"! 

Good check up w/Dr Jeff whom I've only seen upside down but he seems nice.


Rant:...hummm....none at the moment.  Not jumping on the politico bandwagon yet...:->  Except I would like to not think of BTO every time I hear that woman's name...

OH GOD< NOT ANOTHER ELECTION< PLEASE! I am so jaded that I don't think it matters who gets elected cause the other folks try to tackle them before they can get anything done anyway. Roy Rodgers for president, there!

That's better!!


And what was the whole submissive wife thang about??


It's too scary to think that some asshole actualy believes in a backward, cult, poligamist ,sub culture kind  of way that wives are to be submissive and not equals. I thought that sort of thing went out of style in the 50s..............................

My City Councilman son finally called me and said he passed Spanish, so he will graduate from college at 9am tomorrow. Should I wear my bib overalls?
Absolutely......with a red bandana and boots....and a straw hat.
I figured a black felt since its PVAMU and his degree is political science.
Over the last four years Verizon made $19 billion in profits while paying its top 5 executives $250 million, and getting $1.3 billion in federal tax rebates...essentially not paying a penny in income taxes. Of course they claim poverty when in negotiation with their workers.
Yep, its the American way.

I used to work at the racetrack. Sometimes I would climb over the back fence on the back side as a short cut.

That is where maintanance was.

seeing a dead racehorse, ( it was put down  becuz it broke down in a race), with a bloody compound fracture on it's leg and dead and  flys swamming around it.

It stayed there until some truck took it away to where they take dead racehorses.

That was gross.


back to rant.

Rant it is raining hard, I will get soaked at work.

Rave: The rain is good, cools it off, and the flowers and tomato plants LOVE it!


From initial impressions you might dislike me, but given enough time you'll really detest me.
Yeah, it was a Nostradamus quatrain.




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