TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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Turn your lemons into lemonade, Q. 

Convert your backyard into a blueberry patch....use the sawdust for mulch.  Of course you'll need more than a mere 1/2 inch thickness.  Perhaps the tree removal company can help you out and bring you even more. 

When the blueberry plants start producing, set up a card table on the sidewalk, and sell them by the 1/2 pint.

When the blueberry business is going well, you might want to put in some raspberry bushes too....diversification is the key here....if the public doesn't want blueberries,  then give 'em the razzberries and sell 'em the raspberries. 

Rant:  Items missing from storage in garage.  Only three of us have a key.....:-/

Rave:  People across the street with VERY noisy kids and badly behaving adults are moving!!!  Yipee!

On the Rant......Oops!!

On the Rave.......Wonderful!!! :-)

Rant:  Landlord tossed the mattresses.  Belonged to son and was <yr old.  $250 smackeroos.  What should I do?  Ask for compensation or let it go.  I should have labeled them but he should have asked me too.  :-/


Rave:.....um.......harvested 3 'maters.  :-)

Landlord or not.....you should have been advised before they were disposed of. Some sort of compensation should be considered.....IMO.
Jaylee, Sounds to me like you have a lousy landlord. Why did he dump them without asking? However, when it comes to compensation; how would the value be determined. I doubt that there is much market for used mattresses.

Rave:  Landlord is a good one.  He's very attentive to this property and gave me a great rate when I needed a place asap.

Rant:  He should have asked me knowing I have a key to the space.  My son does not have the $$ to replace the item he trusted me to keep.  Now who owes whom?

p.s.  landlord called...apologized and offered to take $100 off next months rent.  :-)
JayLee sounds like landlord somewhat redeemed himself. Bet he asks next time. 

Yup.  Nice young man.  Funny how things work work out.  For the big or the small. 

Life is a trip...sometimes just a little stumble sometimes a big fall.  Wouldn't have it any other way.

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It won't fit on the Status, Aggie, I put it in My Comments.




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