TBD on Ning

Suggestions anyone?

Right now take-out Chinese sounds good. Except my favorite place doesn't deliver and I don't want to go out. In the heat. And the rain. And the Tornado warning.


Do you like Chinese food?




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I flavor my olive oil with butter and sautee in that.

Too hot to prepare food at home, so I stopped at the new bar and grill and got a turkey sammich and fries, and a yuppie cola.

I dunno, it seemed to be just a so-so meal, like most of the rest of 'em I've had there.

I picked up a rotisserie chicken from the grocer and made Merry's bean salad.

I haven't eaten yet. I probably should do that soon.

We went to Waffle House. I had eggs, bacon, hashbrown scattered and toast. Caleb had a waffle and bacon.

I got off work, took a shower and then Microwaved some Bush's Grillin Beans, Microwaved a polish sausage that I cut up and mixed into the beans. Topped that off with some Strawberry Yogert and a glass of water. I may snack on some unsalted Pistachios later. Wow! that's a lot of cooking for me.

Happy had some squirt cheeze, a couple pupperoni sticks and some science diet, light dog food. 

He topped it off with some water and chewed on a tennis ball.

Yours sounds so-so

Happy's sounded like heaven...for a dog!

Let's see, Jack my little grey panther with chartruse eyes had a sprig of cat nip from the yard and some radish flowers and el cheapo Dad's cat food and hung out and watched Lightning in a Bottle, a history of the blues in surround sound on the jumbo sized TV while I munched on banana bread thinly sliced and layered with whipped cream and strawberries.


Pray for tomatoes, garden tomatoes , perfect as only Goddess can make them.


What really cracked me up was when Jack watched an entire episode of Betty Boop where pudgy ran to the drug store to get catnip to perk up a sick kitten that ate too much candy.

Got dip?


I do, as a matter of fact - bring 'em over! '-)
Catfish, white beans and blackberry cobber.

I had the best of intentions to cook tonight, but as it got into the later afternoon, the house kept getting warmer and warmer.  I finally caved in, and went into town to rustle up some food.  I decided to try the old pizza joint, closed for several years, then reopened with TERRIBLE pizza for a couple of seasons, and now once again reopened.  I heard a couple of good reviews on this incarnation, so I decided to give it a shot.

Verdict?  Bland, but fixable with some good old trusty cayanne pepper.  Pizza is probably better ordered from the joint in the next little 'burg down the road, on the days I pass through there on my way home from work.

Well, I came really close to overdoing it in the heat today. When I got off work I kind of staggered to the RV and lay down. After about 30 min. got up, took a shower and walked Happy.

Microwaved a Morningstar fake meat patty and had it and two slices of fake pepper jack cheeze on two slices of 100% Whole Wheat with 3 grams of fiber per slice, with some spicy brown mustard.

I then had a few baby Reeses and am now eating the last of my unsalted pistachios and drinking S. Pellegrino sparkling natural mineral water..






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