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Comedian Woody Allen says, "My one regret in life is that I am not
someone else."

I heard of one man who took trying to be someone else too seriously.
Newspapers reported that Dutch police arrested a man in the town of
Rosendaal. They found him in possession of 186 false papers,
including 29 Nigerian passports, 30 British passports, 74 Dutch work
permits, 12 British driving licenses, 18 birth or death
certificates, 2 British student cards, an international driving
license and 20 forged checks. Once he was in custody, they still had
a problem. They weren't sure who he was.

I have no regrets that I'm not someone else. But that doesn't mean
I've always been clear about just who I am. I like the way A. A.
Milne's "Winnie the Pooh" (THE WORLD OF POOH) puts it:

"How can you get very far,
If you don't know who you are?
How can you do what you ought,
If you don't know what you've got?"

One man said, "I go to a doctor and pay him 75 dollars an hour, and
all he does is ask me the same question my father used to ask me all
the time: 'Who do you think you are, anyway?'" But that's not a bad
question, really. How can you get very far, if you don't know who
you are?

I think I spent the first 20 or 30 years of my life trying to define
who I really was. I thought I'd never know what to study in school
and I was sure I'd never figure out what kind of person I might be
happy spending my life with. I managed to get through that phase of
life and then, just when I thought I knew myself fairly well, I
discovered I'd changed. And through the years I keep changing. It
seems like I've always been up against the question, "Who am I --

I appreciate Benjamin Kubelski's story. In 1902, his father gave him
a violin for his eighth birthday. It cost $50, a small fortune in
those days, and especially for a recently immigrated Russian family.
Benjamin did well and was playing concerts as a teenager. At age 18
he teamed up with a woman pianist as a musical team in Vaudeville.

But he suspected the violin did not satisfy his heart's desire. Then
one night, Benjamin impulsively decided to tell the audience about a
funny incident that had happened during the day. He later said, "The
audience laughed and the sound intoxicated me. That laughter ended
my days as a musician." And it began his life career as entertainer
Jack Benny.

He found who he was and everything fit into place. How can you get
very far, if you don't know who you are?

But how do you figure out who you are? Short of taking a battery of
aptitude and personality tests (which, by the way, do have their
place), there are two simple and accurate ways of knowing yourself

First, ask someone who loves you. Ask her to describe you in as much
detail as she can. Her opinion may not be conclusive, but others see
us differently than we see ourselves.

And second, pay attention to what stirs your emotions. I sometimes
ask people, "What do you like to do so much that you would do it for
free if you could?" What makes your heart sing?

How can you get very far, if you don't know who you are? Answer
these simple questions and I think you'll know.

-- Steve Goodier

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I'll get back to you on this as soon as I find myself.
LMBO...Ok, Bob! I'll wait for you!

I have just wandered through life, trying whatever I thought at the moment would be interesting or profitable. Never had a grand plan. Kind of envied those who did.  However, somehow things just worked out. I bounced around, spent 22 years in the military and 18 years woking for a Defense Contractor.  Got a BA and took many Grad courses in sociology. Married twice, two kids,both boys, Quit/retired in 1997. since then I have worked as a camping equipment/boating equipment sales clerk, traffic counter, Census supervisor, Real estate Agent, Real Estate Appraiser, and had a kiosk in a mall during the Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays.

Currently a full time RVer. working as a workkamper/Host for The Escapees RV Club. Think I have figured out a lot of the reasons humans do some of the things they do.

Have no idea who I am but I'm still having one hell of a lot of fun trying to figure it out.  

Anybody want to go to Vegas and jump off the tower with me?

LOL...CWO3Robbie! You are too funny. Well you are doing the right thing...having fun, while trying to find out who you are! Maybe, after all of that, you may eventually find out! I wouldn't mind going to Vegas with you...But you will have to jump of the tower by yourself! LOL




Yes, Letha I know who I am today, but for the longest time, I didn't have a clue. It took me almost 30 years to figure out who I was. I lived with my sweetie for almost 2 years while she "taught" me who I truly was. Yep, it took 2 years, (she was a very good teacher, but I was a very poor student) but I finally learned that I am a loving person. I seriously didn't know I had in me.

Ahhhh!!! That is so wonderful! I know you feel great about yourself, now. Thanks to your sweetie. It's a good thing she saw it in you. Otherwise, you might have never known, how loving you can be. You'll still be walking around wondering, who you really are.


Well, I found myself in the last place I looked. Isn't that the way it always is?......why do we never find anything in the next to the last place we look??

Anyway, it seems I've been pretty much the same person all my life; I'm just finally completely comfortable with me. So it seems is the Lady that lets me be me, and that's all that matters.

LOL..Yes, whatever matters to you is the important thing. That's your own way of knowing who you are. You are who you are. I guess that's what it's all about.
As for me, I believe with all my heart that I know who I am. Some may not agree, and some may agree. But I believe that I am one of a kind. A very rare person. After God made me, the mold broke. So there are no copies. LOL...I try to believe and help others...Whether I know them or not. I'm a true, blue, loyal friend. Once I accept a person as my friend, it's a friendship for life. A friend would have to do something so drastic, for me to stop being friends. I forgive easily...forgetting is the problem. But eventually, it does happen. So that's basically, me in a nutshell.




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