TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Aggie that was  FUNNY !!!!!


Well Nj is finally getting some Texan Justice.

a 19  year old guy  shoot a cop 3 times in his head a couple days ago, killed the young cop.

Now they are drafting a bill to legistation  for  the Death penalty for cop killing, child killing and terrorsists that do a thing that kills  people.



They just now doing this???
What does New Jersey do to horse thives and and cattle rustlers?
I have a bitch………….
This woodpecker lands on the roof and pecks at a roof vent and it sounds like a machine gun.
He does this at the crack of dawn.
Does he think we have a bug in the roof?
I won’t hurt him, but how do I get him to stop doing this?

Hang fake snakes or owls near where he is pecking.

I've also heard aluminum pie tins--the reflection will scare them cause they think it's another bird.

Good luck!

Thanks Quinn

A feral cat outdoor cat may work.

I don't know if it would work, but when a cat/dog got in trash can we would sprikle hot red pepper on top, also if a horse wanted to tear off bandages we would put liquidized hot red pepper on the  outside of the bandages.


I tell ya what get in touch w/ billy the extermintator in LA.

He will tell what to do that is harmfree to the woodpecker and enviornment.


Here is a rant, My dinner come out like crap tonight.

I want to be an Iron chef.



Birds are annoying pecking and chirping  before the break of dawn.

Billy is a hoot isn't he and I like how he dresses too.

Rant:   Half of my left front headlight fell off...found it in the driveway.

           Auto repair charged me $175 to replace it.   Now he says I need $6-800 to replace a timing belt.  But ,if I had $3-400 I should just refresh my transmission/coolant fluid.  WTF???   He quoted me a $1,500 total to get my car up to date.

 Rave:  Dinner was awesome and I don't give a sh*t it's only 14º w/windchill of 6º.

It is currently 7 degrees here.

In case anyone was wondering.

It is 7 degrees here, too, Quinn.

It is 4 degrees at my camp.

well it is 13 degrees here now on the Jhursy Shore.

I will tell what pisses me off, the neighbor down the street

lets out their 3  housecats in this freezing cold, snowy weather all day long.

They come up here and crap and seeking shelter.

To me that is just plain mean.

Mrs.Pennypacker really gets pissy hissy when she sees them outside  too.

She hollers about it.




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