TBD on Ning

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nobody threw me a life preserver when I was helplessly lost earlier, Stir, but I'm nicer than most of these people.


I was simply (and deliberately) making a god-awful pun about Kooner's "litmus test" post two pages ago.


"Litmus" = "Lit Mouse" - And you ran with it like champeen crazy people. Ya done good, folks.

We're like that around here....nothing is sacred....not even rodents.

Reply by d's girl 9 hours ago
nobody threw me a life preserver when I was helplessly lost earlier, Stir, but I'm nicer than most of these people.


I beg to differ...

Do you mean somebody threw her a life preserver? Or that she is not nicer than most? Gheesh, Quinn, You been drinking this early?
It's 5 O'clock somewhere...
You're a "glass half full" sorta person, aren't you?
All experienced bar folk know that tipping the bar wench a healthy amount keeps that ol' glass AT LEAST half full...

The bartender ALWAYS gets tipped immediately! And well!

Reply by Bob Stepp 2 hours ago
You're a "glass half full" sorta person, aren't you?

I do have a bit of Pollyanna in me...one of my nicknames is Polly ;-))
Any other nicknames you wish to share?

I got a nickname for myself 'FattyMcFattypants' 


mrs.Pennypacker wants to taste that mouse.

It IS always 5  o:clock someplace. That is the law.




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