TBD on Ning

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george Strait can really ride a horse.

 he probably has 1/4 horses.


I got to rant. Another blizzard is on the way her to Nj for the weekend. My car doesn't like it and it needs to be washed.

No, George has whole Quarter horses.  Them animal right people get upset when you quarter them.
my boss is cranky old venomous cross of a chrocodile and rattlesnake.
I hope he is not tapped into your computer.

no the wicked witch is not tapped into my computer.

I don't use computer at work, just my Mac. at home.


She is dumb as dirt, she can't even tap into her own brain.

The dimwit left  all her doors open on her car all night long on numerous occasions , once it rained. Left  food and  pocketbook in it. Once it had 8000 dollars cash in it.

All night long doors open, money in  her pocketbook in her  car.

Stupidity fine, I can deal w/ that, but she is so mean/mouthy to everyone ( delivery people, electricians/plumbers/handyman/landscapers/ clients/store clerks, neighbors.

I feel embarrassed to be around her when she bitches and badgers people.


I guess I am very lucky to have never had a boss like that. I had some bad ones who could not run a school but they were never mean or dumb. I am sorry you have to deal with such a person.
How was jury duty P.A.?
I went on Wed. and sat around for 3 hours. The judge talked for over an hour about how jury duty was a civic responsiblity and such. I knew all of that because I used to teach high school government. After his speech we got a 15 minute break and when we came back I thought everything was ready to go. The prosecutor  was at one table and the defendant and his lawyer were at the other. The lawyer for the defense was a friend of mine. The judge came in and the prosecutor lady stood and asked him a question. I could not hear what she said. The judge then told all of us in the jury pool to go to another court room and wait. We were gone for about 20 minutes and then the bailiff told us to go back to the original courtroom. When we were all in and quiet. He told us that a wittness for the prosecution did not show up ever though he was issued a subpeona. He had issued a warrent for arrest. We could all go home because the trial was continued until Monday.
That really sucks, Beth. I'm sorry.




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