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Rant: My "employer" has made it mandatory that all employees MUST have the flu vaccine. There is no leeway...it's required.
I, personally, have no problem with being given the flu shot per my choice.
I do not like being TOLD that I have to have it.
I fully understand the ramifications...lost wages...impact on fellow workers (if they get sick I might and vice versa), etc.

Rave: Tomorrow is payday! See the correlation?
I get sick everytime I have gotten a flu shot.

Okay...I needed 10 items from the store, so I go to *shudder* Wal Mart cause it's the closest and I know where every thing is , and I'm in a hurry.I head for the "20 items or less" checkout lanes which are sorta crowded and I am so lucky to get behind some idiot who either can't read or count or both cause he's got at least half a basket full of stuff. He waits till the cashier has rung up all his crap THEN starts searching thru the approximately 20 pockets sewed on his baggy-assed pants for his billfold. Then he searches thru at least 10 credit cards for just the right one for the situation. Then with the speed known only to a sloth he swipes the card, puts it back in it's proper order in the little case he keeps all 10 freakin' cards in. THEN without moving either his ass or his cart he proceeeds to very carefully examine the freakin' receipt. I finally gently nudged his ass with my cart (wanted to shove it UP his ass) to get him to move, which he did....just barely enough to let me get to the register.
Some people are just eaten up with rudeness, arrogance, stupidity and an over abundant air of self importance. The fool probably listens to limbaugh and sucks on fermented herring juice...
I'm through>>>>>>>>>>>>next!!!!
I guess I'm not through after all. I just read where in game 4 of the World Series to be played Arlington Texas, the two Bushes...George1 and shrub will throw out the first pitch. How can "the first pitch" be thrown by 2 guys....in this case both undeserving former lame presidents??
The game is officially tainted..
Carry on>>>>>>>>>>>>................................
Now we have change and everything will be fine and dandy.

Everything is not fine and dandy but at least progress is being made and we have stopped digging the hole for now. It took the republicans 8 years to get us into the mess and now people are mad as hell because the new administration has not filled the hole completely in 20 months. That being with republicans doing everything possible to stop anything and everything democrats have tried to do to get us out of the hole.
I fear for my country when I hear some of the candidates that are out there this year. They are running witches, idiots, criminals, gangsters and people that are to the right of Attila the Hun.
Costa Rica is looking better all of the time.
I think this is all very funny as they are still blaming the wrong people.
It wasn’t Bush or Obama that caused this crash. (the problem is still not fixed as they just blamed wall street because no one understands what they do). Hint: They buy and sell stock and securities.
I’m a conservative and I love the Tea Party People.
The GOP has no power and are a bunch of de-horns, they just put out a puff of smoke every so often to remind us they are still here.
I still maintain: vote them all out and start again and by then maybe the new people will ask why they sell homes to people with no job and no money and give the mortgages a US Government AAA rating.
Hello Barney Frank, what say you?.
There would be no need to try to explain anything to someone who knows so little as to blame the mess on Barney Frank. It was the greed and corruption of Wall Street brankers and investors aided by the republican administrations of the last 30 years. Deregulate, cut taxes, and borrow monry is all they know. If, heaven forbid, you should get what you want do you have any idea how the tea party people would govern. They have no idea of how government works and a total misunderstanding of economics and the constitution.
You're a smart man PA.....kudos to you.
He is heading up Fannie and Freddie. Who should I blame the janitor for all of this bad paper?
They sell bad paper than the government runs all over the world buying this worthless paper back.
Bush warned me. Get out of real-estate and we did that and are doing fine.
The tea party is kicking the shorts off of republicans.
The good-ole-boys are having a hard time sleeping..
As long as they keep their heads in the sand, things will get worse.
Just wait and see.




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