TBD on Ning

........today I could hear a guy's cell phone ring in his closed up car on the street, while I was sitting on the patio of the rib joint about 60 feet away.....yet 25 years ago when I was married, I couldn't hear my wife, walking right next to me in the mall, saying "oh look, new purses in that store....lets go in for a sec"?

Tags: itsgotmebaffled

Views: 26

Replies to This Discussion

You obviously have aquired some super powers in your advanced age.
Yep....go figure.
I have been told I have that super power also.
It think the scienctific term for that is selective hearing. I have it too.
That's when your wife "selects" what you hear for you....right?
I know my dad also had selective hearing.....so I guess its hereditary.
Is this why all men come with a remote?
Yeah....you just need to be careful with the middle button.....just sayin'
Yes Dear.
It's probably genetic and testosterone influenced....just guessing...
It can be influenced by fear of physical harm...
LOL! Yes!




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