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Started this discussion. Last reply by Mother Sanity (JackieRodzinski) Nov 18, 2009.


"Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their character makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable." ~Anonymous

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About Me:
Me. Married. Mother. TBD-er, Twitter Tweeter & FB-er from Missouri. I am a torchlighter for the United Way, also a board member with the Lupus Foundation, Heartland Chapter. Married for 29 years to Mark, a creative director, graced with an abundance of Irish charm. My daughter, Lauren, is a beautiful, wise, old soul. My bright, blogger son, Jason, and innovative daughter(-in-law), Amanda, recently celebrated their very 1st anniversary in Chicago, where they are building a life together. Two cats, Asher & Cinderella (because they look like they sleep in a fireplace), also make up our home, along with my very lovable service dog, Elliot, a yellow lab. I have lupus and he helps me in many ways. His very favorite job is to remind me I cannot sing, and should never try inside the car. ___________________________________________________________________ "This Is What Lupus Looks Like" video by L.A. Lupus Lady (submitted by Lynda Michelson & Elliot) by Lynda Michelson on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 7:01pm Recently a Facebook-Twitter friend contacted me about participating in a lupus video she was putting together. I was honored to be asked, and sent her the requested pictures of myself with my service dog, Elliot. Please enjoy the video and pass it along to your friends. Thank you, Lynda & Elliot P.S. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX0vS45ntsg by Amanda @LALupusLady on Twitter and L.A. Lupus Lady on Facebook
http://www.LFAheartland.org - Lupus Foundation, Heartland Chapter

"The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die" Sen. Edward Kennedy








My husband, Mark Buckley, at the Lupus Foundation of America, Heartland Chapter's WolfRide GranFondo, "TAME THE WOLF."

Mark completed all 112 miles; the very first time he attempted this feat!









The Memory Project allows for orphans worldwide to receive portraits by American students.  (CBS)


The Memory Project is a unique initiative in which art students create portraits (drawings, paintings, graphic design, etc) for children and teens around the world who have been orphaned, neglected, or disadvantaged.

To do this, the artists receive photos of kids waiting for portraits and then work from those photos to create the portraits. Next, we deliver the portraits to the kids as special gifts, and we also take photos of them holding the portraits.

The goal of the project is to inspire caring, global friendship, and a positive sense of self.


Given that kids who have been orphaned or neglected usually have few personal keepsakes, the purpose of the portraits is to provide them with a special memory of their youth, to honor their heritage and identity, and to help them build a positive self-image. We want to help the kids see themselves as works of art.

Regarding the art students who make the portraits, this is an opportunity for them to open their hearts to youth who have endured many hardships, and to promote the value of sharing kindness with others.


The project was developed by Ben Schumaker as a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin.

In 2003, while volunteering in Guatemala, Ben encountered a man who had grown up in an orphanage. This man explained that he did not have any personal belongings from his youth. He suggested that Ben help the kids collect special items that would contribute to their sense of identity and self-worth.

From this, Ben envisioned that having portraits made by art students would be a way to connect American youth with kids from other countries in a meaningful exchange of caring. The Memory Project was officially born in the fall of 2004.


In total, art students from the USA, UK, and Canada have created more than 25,000 portraits for children around the world.

Each child in our program ultimately receives a couple portraits made by different artists. This provides each child with a small collection of portraits honoring her or his unique identity. Thus, the number of children who have received portraits through the Memory Project is roughly half the number of portraits produced.


The children's immediate reactions to the portraits tend to vary by age. Young children are most noticeably thrilled to receive them. They hold their portraits proudly and show them to everyone around.

Teenagers usually prefer to receive their portraits privately in a place where their peers are not crowded around to see. While their immediate reactions are not as easy to assess as the younger children's, they often display the portraits in their lockers or even prop them on their pillows.

In general, kids of all ages react most strongly to high quality portraits that are true to their likeness.


"I want to say thank you on behalf of all the children for your wonderful project. I grew up at a children's home in Mexico; I was one of those children whose memories were not captured. I am very sure that the children will always remember everyone in the Memory Project who is helping them keep a memory of their childhood with a portrait." - Betty Flores


Children at the NPH orphanage in Nicaragua pose with Ben Schumaker of The Memory Project, top left.  (CBS/Clifden Kennedy)


If you are a teacher whose students would like to make portraits, please contact:

Director: Ben Schumaker
P: 608-467-5706
E: ben@thememoryproject.org

Ben is dedicated to fast, reliable communication and nearly always responds within 24 hours. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours, please call to follow up (since schools sometimes block email, Ben wants to make sure he is able to communicate with you).

Mailing address:
The Memory Project
PO Box 369
Sun Prairie, WI 53590


Please visit the website for more information:  http://www.dailygood.org/more.php?n=4247


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At 8:03am on June 1, 2022, Aggie said…

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At 9:52am on June 1, 2020, Aggie said…

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At 10:02am on June 1, 2019, Aggie said…

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At 7:39am on June 1, 2017, Aggie said…

Happy Birthday, have a Shiner!

At 7:19pm on June 1, 2016, Aggie said…

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At 7:18pm on June 1, 2015, Aggie said…

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