TBD on Ning

Over the weekend I was approached by one of the neighboring hotel to see if I would be interested in accepting a position. I told them I was always open to change, and I have been with the same chain for over 10 years, and the hotel has been sold in the last year. With new owners always comes change, some good, and some hard to understand. I get along well with the 3 guys that own the place and there was no meeting schedule until after christmas. (they do not live in this state) Today I drive up, and all three of their cars are in the parkling lot. They have come to tell me how valuable I am to the company. I am sitting here tonight, why did it take another threatening to take me away for them to realize that when and if I leave, most of their accounts leave also. It more or less reminded me of a marriage, when a partner is theatened and then pays attention.

If I leave the company or not,I do not know. I just found today to be of interest.

Views: 18

Tags: appreciation, jobs, lack, of


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Comment by blondie 11 on December 9, 2009 at 1:01pm
I did not tell my employer anything. All the hotels are ownered by people of one culture, and I am sure they called and talked to him. I have repuation in the area of going the extra mile and having an excellant accout following. I go back to work tomorrow.
Comment by Kittycat on December 8, 2009 at 9:04pm
You certainly have alot of interesting things to think about. I hope you make the right decision for you. I'll be thinking of you until you let us know what you've decided... :)
Comment by larry kremis on December 8, 2009 at 6:58pm
You didn't say that you told the new owners about the neighboring hotel's offer, but I assume you did and I also assume that's why they showed up unannounced to tell you how valuable you are. If this is the case it's commonplace in the business world. Most businesses do all they can to keep all costs to a minimum including wages, then when a valuable employee threatens to leave, the business owners want to talk.
Comment by Golanv on December 8, 2009 at 6:25pm
Interesting. It is similar. One of best jobs I had came about because I told the owner I was leaving due to poor management. She asked if it would make a difference if she let the manager go with severance pay and gave me the position. Hello? I stayed for 5 years, managed the art gallery and worked into a 2nd position in philanthropy. Then, after over a year of living apart from my BF and rarely seeing each other I finally decided to start seeing someone else. BF flipped, and I decided not to, but same as with job, I was seriously ready to call it quits because I thought there was no future in either. After the dust settled, it became a much more promising relationship with a more equal footing and open communication. As I think back, I can remember several positions where they were like strange marriages that way & also a few relationships. I guess the old saying is true sometimes, "You don't know what you've got..." Hmm... Thank you for fuel for thought and I wish you well in your decision.



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