I figured I should write a post about the music players in case no one opens Jumping Barracudas.
Please People...If you create players for the blogs set the sound on the players to off before you copy and post them. You will still be able to listen to them by pushing the play button.
When several people post their players to the blogs at the same time( then we pass over your players) they automatically play all at the same time, forcing us to have to pause all of them… Continue
This is a video where people say what they are actually thinking instead of what normally would be said. There is foul language, so if you have sensitive ears do not watch this. Now I get to thinking...Since I have said that...People will go there just like little kids in a candy store....Please do not come back and tell me how disgusting it is and how dare I post it. This is why I warned you. It is also why I am sending a link instead of direct posting....
You could go crazy trying to figure it all out. I am now basically antisocial... I am slowly trying to rearrange my thought patterns to new ones not polluted by the daily sick things I see. I don't see people much anymore..I see a society of controlled zombies. People with no enlightenment...no moral compass. They think if they believe the words in their religious books they are saved when they buy their guns and try to make others look like devils....Crazy, absolutely… Continue
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated…I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by [people] from the cruelty of [human kind]”—Mahatma… Continue
I love my dog. He is the one thing in my life that makes me smile everyday. He chases the blues clouds away. He makes me laugh and he lets me share his ball. He sits, shakes and lays down for treats. I don't know why I taught him to do all those silly things. I just love him the way he is.
He is a big red dog, he is strong and he is gentle to the ones he loves. He is protective and he is suspicious of strangers. He doesn't want to share his dinner with any of the neighbors cats, or… Continue
Now when I look back I get sick, I mean deep down in my guts sick...and I say to myself..."Why wasn't my Mom there to take care of my little baby brother"...I was too young to act as his mother. I didn't understand scaring him was bad...I thought I was playing. Now all these years later, I blame myself for my brothers lifelong mental handicaps and I am heartbroken. I was only 9 years old. His crib was put into our room with me and another brother before he could… Continue
Over yonder...across the sea
Mesha stands in the factory
Spinning the thread & weaving the loom
Tiny child in basket.. alone... in the light of
the moon
14 hrs a day with very little pay
not to mention another baby on the way...while...
here I stand in front of the mirror
designer clothing mean more to me than Mesha
& her family.
Things, more things in my shopping cart
Capitalism my focus, but Iv'e lost my heart
Oh… Continue
Added by caseyjo on September 9, 2009 at 5:11pm —
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There are 2 music players on here (not my doing).....for those who do not know how to turn them off, you can hit the pause button ( the two bars). Wow...what a bunch of racket when both play at the same time.
Added by caseyjo on September 9, 2009 at 9:23am —
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Our animals are suffering terribly in the warehouses they live in before they become our food. We can do so much better. Animals have feelings....they also feel pain.
We have feelings we call love. What exactly is love? Is love for others, or bottom line...is it really for ourselves? Do we do things for others expressly for others, or do we do things because we need gratitude/affection in return? I know when we give presents to others we let them know who sends them. If we were to do… Continue
Added by caseyjo on September 8, 2009 at 8:25am —
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My father was a atheist....His wife a good Christian, as was my mother who was his first wife. He hung out with the Christian Elite using the wonderful mannerisms and kind kind words, but behind their backs he was laughing at them like he used to laugh at the Christian side of my family
I have said these things for years now, so please don't take it personal. I have learned that what a person sells himself as isn't necessarily the person at all, so I don't pay a lot of attention to… Continue
I have done some reading on mind control so I know a little bit about it to begin with. I esp. noticed through the repetition of cable news, mind control is definitely going on there. For example: If they can get the masses to believe in dumb crap like the War on Christmas, you can get em to believe in almost anything. War being the catchy word used to turn peoples heads and make them feel like something just horrible is taking place...What a crock.....Anyway, thank-you to Cable news for making… Continue
Or you can go back to the TBD main page.............
I can't send TBD e-mail or respond to TBD e-mail. I have had this problem once before and it eventually worked itself out. I will give it a couple days, then try to find out who to write about it. Is anyone else having this e-mail problem?
I think I will take some time off the blog section for a while...I lost a friend because of the blog I put up " Here no evil, See no evil,Speak no evil" about how I felt about people who censor blogs, because I felt I got censored unfairly.
Maybe I was too tough, maybe I am not so smart, maybe I should have let it slide and just forgot about it like I normally would have done. I am a square peg in a round hole, always have been. I have never felt like I fit in TBD since I came here… Continue
Whats up?...I left a comment on a certain blog. Some owners of blogs check their comments before approving them. Whats the point of a one sided blog? Whatcha gunna learn?. How can we gain truth and understanding if we pick and choose what we listen to and who's blogs we post? It just so happened my blog post was thoughtful and in no way would have hurt anyone.
My viewpoint may be different, but I hoped it would be helpful to some in the understanding of why someone might be tougher… Continue