

Burlington, VT

United States

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About Me:
I heard Puff wuz gonna be here, so I just came by to watch the carnage. Ya-ya.

Did you hear they've reinstituted the draft? Ya. Though it seems that today they do it backwards. First they drive you crazy, then they give you a check. Once you get used to that then they send you into the war zone naked, and because you don't have a uniform on everybody shoots at ya. They do that because really the war zone is nothing short of a free for all but no one really knows where all of the trenches are. It's like sending up an illumination round only prettier.

And all around the country people see the fireworks and they think, Oh. Look at that', and so they pull out their lawn chairs to watch the show. No one knows there's a war going on because usually in the morning all of the shooting stops and the only evidence of anything is some naked guy screaming but everybody already knows he is insane so it's alright. It's just fine. Everything is normal.

Ya-ya Normal.


And this is the link to my blog posts here at NING by title, we'll see how it works:

Poetry -
The Tongue
Butterflies in Sonnet
Zen II - IV
A Barking Dog
Zen VIII - XVI [posted to: Haiku/Senryu Discussions]
Armistice [posted in: Four Lines | Four Poems | For Today]
Without Justice

Prose -
Why I Write
Manifesto: American Mad
Na Na ~ TV Commercial Observation

Prose - Satire
Letter To Letterman: Hi Dave It's Dave
Happy 4th
Gallows Humor
Tee Shits or Chickens and Tyrants of Zen
Did ya like the piece about Tee Shirts and Tyrants?
And How Are We Feeling?
Finally I Have A Plan [posted in the forum]
LA Humor
Do You Like Dogs?

Prose - fiction
St. James [it's on my website zendogblog.net]

Comment Wall:

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  • mskat

    you are diffinately interesting. love the pic. some them want you think.lol
  • mskat

    i still think your interesting...............
  • mskat

    hahhahahahha hell yeah ill buy that tshirt. i love to tell people to ki$$ my a$$.lol
  • mskat

    hey a back log of one is better than a back log of none.lol
  • Slayer Dug

    In reference to the video on the gun toting thread...the lyrics to the intro entitled
    "Darkness of Christ"....

    Mankind in his insatiable search for divine
    Knowledge has discarded all biblical teachings

    Realizing that the strength of religion is the repression of
    All structures of religion have collapsed

    Life prays for death
    in the wake of the horror of these revelations

    It was never imagined how graphic the reality that would
    be known as the end
    of creation
    Would manifest itself

    We believe all this chaos and atrocity can be traced
    Back to one single event

    We hold these truths to be painfully self-evident
    All men are not created equal
    Only the strong will prosper
    Only the strong will conquer
    Only in the darkness of Christ have I realized
    God Hates Us All
  • Slayer Dug

    The lyrics to "Disciple"

    Drones since the dawn of time
    Compelled to live your sheltered lives
    Not once has anyone ever seen
    Such a rise of pure hypocracy
    I'll instigate I'll free your mind
    I'll show you what I've known all this time

    God HATES Us All, God HATES Us All
    You know it's true God hates this place
    You know it's true he hates this race

    Hate heals, you should try it sometime
    Strive for Peace with acts of war
    The beauty of death we all adore
    I have no faith distracting me
    I know why your prayers will never be answered

    God HATES Us All; God HATES Us All
    He Fuckin' hates me

    Pessimist, Terrorist targeting the next mark
    Global chaos feeding on hysteria
    Cut throat, slit your wrist, shoot you in the back fair game
    Drug abuse, self abuse searching for the next high
    Sounds a lot like hell is spreading all the time
    I'm waiting for the day the whole world fucking dies

    I never said I wanted to be God's disciple
    I'll never be the one to blindly follow

    Man made virus infecting the world
    Self-destruct human time bomb
    What if there is no God would you think the fuckin' same
    Wasting your life in a leap of blind faith
    Wake the fuck up can't ignore what I say
    I got my own philosophy

    I hate everyone equally
    You can't tear that out of me
    No segregation -separation
    Just me in my world of enemies

    I never said I wanted to be God's disciple
    I'll never be the one to blindly follow
    I'll never be the one to bear the cross-disciple

    I reject this fuckin' race
    I despise this fuckin' place
  • Slayer Dug

    Free will, like poisons ivy, oak and sumac are proof positive that God has a twisted sense of humor and irony.
  • Gary Freedman

    What is thermite?
  • J Lee S

    You are one strange dog. I can only grasp a portion of what you say at any given time, but I like the things that I think I catch...Thanks. No I am not a lurker...YeahYeah :-)
  • funesthememorious

    You have comments disabled in your Glen Beck blog...just wanted to say maybe he is angry because he has a small dick. None of them are original - just spewing forth nonsense from the Karl Rove Lie Machine playbook.
  • Snagg

    ...and I don't even get PAID to act this way, either! Is this a great country or what?
  • Lily Roth

    *peeks down*....Hey! My friends nicknamed me wingnut and it tweren't cos of no poltickin neither! Ha!..... Ooops,back to the matter at hand,where is your magic spell Mister Man.... hmmmmmm? *swats you with my broom,then flies off on it,cackling*
  • Lily Roth

    Seeing how politikin gets y'all wound up,I take it that you aren't buying all the 12/21/12 Mayan Calendar End Of Days hype.....lol
  • ZenDog

    the 12.12.12 theory? Of course I buy into that. I already know exactly what will happen too. Of course I do. The Air Force has these satellites that induce heart attacks and they've been testing them on the mullahs. On 12.12.12. they plan to turn them on the activists of western dissent, and claim it's alright, everything's fine, it's just the rapture.

    Sure. And if anyone gets wind of it, they have a cover story that proves the CIA did it. Only there won't be any proof of course, that will be just another conspiracy theory that won't hold water with anyone but wingnuts.

    So obviously the story won't be very good, because hey, I'm a wingnut, and I already know it's bogus.

    But I'm not all that worked up over it. Not at all. The reason is really quite simple.

    I'm planning to beat the twelve cubed rush . . .
  • Lily Roth

    KooKoo Ka Choo!
  • Aggie

    Happy Birthday! (Click Me)
  • Ladyg

  • Tina

  • Lily Roth

    So how old are you in Zendog years? For every Zendog year you are born anew?...heh

    Here is a birthday koan for you!

    The young student went to visit his Master when the Master was on his deathbed,He had brought the Master a gift of cake.He then proceeded to beg the Master to tell him all he knew about the meaning of life,all of it's secrets and why we are here,before he was to pass on....

    The Master sat up and took a bite of his student'scake...then turned to him and said..."This is the most delicious cake I have ever eaten!".....and having spoke those wise words the Master died.

  • Golanv

    glitter graphics
    Glitter Graphics, Happy Birthday Glitter Graphics
    Wishing you a beautiful birthday, Zen. Love and Light All Ways ~ Raven
  • Jaylee53

  • ZenDog

    Well. I seem to be having difficulty approving comments. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, and now for a bit of candor. It really isn't my - or wasn't my - birthday, rather that is one of the dates given for the death of Wilfred Owen who was killed in action in World War I. The fighting was so intense no one seems to be sure if he was actually killed on the 4th. He may have been slain as early as the 2nd of November. It was only a week before the war ended.

    If you haven't read his brief body of work, I highly recommend it. He has poems that are among the best to be found in English.

    But thanks though. Your wishes mean a lot. I'll be getting back to you guys individually when I have a bit more time.
  • ZenDog

    Well this is interesting, I suppose.

    I'm only receiving half of the TBD logo - it appears top left, in the banner section of the page.

    And there appears that several individuals have left comments, and those comments arrived in two separate waves, the last arriving 14 hours ago, and the first sometime yesterday. I had happened to pop in briefly yesterday and I noted that the time stamps of each wave were the same, as if four people had left me a message at the same moment on one occasion, and five had chosen to leave a message at the same moment on another.

    How curious. I'm sure I'm not that popular. At least, not so popular that people just have to send me notes at the same time.

    In any case, I can read none of these comments. They appear nowhere, other than for the brief mention of them under the LATEST ACTIVITY section.
  • kainsworth

    Have a wonderful holiday, Zen.

    Myspace Graphics
    Myspace Graphics, Thanksgiving Graphics at WishAFriend.com
  • ZenDog

    Ya know, our society creates so many expectations this time of year, many of them extravagant and unreasonable . . . most of them simply go unmet. I refuse to buy into the stress and the pressure.

    Honestly? I just don't like Christmas . . .
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    " ::ears perk from the other room::

    ::toenails click softly on hardwood as four feet amble to the doorway; head ocked, asking::

    Treats? "

    Oh my ............ Zen Puppy ~ I love you!!!Falling about am I - again!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    LoL. That's "cocked". What happened to the "c"?

    Bloody 'ell - it's Them again. Can't even leave a bloody c alone. Must be quiet at the Pentagon tonight! /;-> so somebody had to cop your "c" for their next conspiracy!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    *Chuckle* Yes - glass walls - so they can hear their "Echelon" better! /;-D
  • Golanv

    Myspace Comments
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    ROFLMAO (Click Me)
    Hahahahahahaha! You used the word ASS socreatively this morning!
  • Chez moi

    Be cool, ZD

  • Chez moi

    As a cucumber?

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Because I'm the only one who can get away with calling you my zen puppy. 4you. Heave ho! And don't forget the pepper spray! xox
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Fascinating aren't they!? Even I am mesmerized! I think I'm beginning to finally understand how you chaps feel about that nether bit that lifts and separates all the time.

    Thank goodness one can protect it from pepper spray! Well - at least if one is out of line of sight that is . . .;-D xoxo
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    P.S. What IS Chez on about!?!??! That thing looks obscene! And rather . . . wet.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    ......"but in a surreal and serendipitous way that and the, um, wardrobe malfunction do seem completely harmonious." - YES!
    LoL! My point - exactly! xox
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    A little "vacation in the hole" to enjoy with your morning cig. & coffee. So much for the expression - going to hell in a hand basket! ! Lemmings down the rabbit hole? Just had to share / ;->
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    No argument in my book of Zod!
  • Chez moi

  • kainsworth

  • d's girl

    the name thread's been fun.... '-)
  • d's girl

    hey! dish! I don't know what that stands for!!! (and hurry! I'm on my way to bed)
  • d's girl

    oh, you silly boy.... I meant D.H.F.E. .... lemme guess.... Dry Hump For Ever! hahaha
  • d's girl

    Oh! duh! Dry Humps For Everyone! By Jove, I think I've got it! ;-p
  • kainsworth

  • cynthia Hunter

    havent heard from you in awhile, I hope everything is ok!
  • kainsworth

  • Chez moi

    Good to see you coming out again...

    ...showing off your new toy LOLcano?

  • kainsworth

    I've missed you and your awesomeness. :)