

Burlington, VT

United States

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About Me:
I heard Puff wuz gonna be here, so I just came by to watch the carnage. Ya-ya.

Did you hear they've reinstituted the draft? Ya. Though it seems that today they do it backwards. First they drive you crazy, then they give you a check. Once you get used to that then they send you into the war zone naked, and because you don't have a uniform on everybody shoots at ya. They do that because really the war zone is nothing short of a free for all but no one really knows where all of the trenches are. It's like sending up an illumination round only prettier.

And all around the country people see the fireworks and they think, Oh. Look at that', and so they pull out their lawn chairs to watch the show. No one knows there's a war going on because usually in the morning all of the shooting stops and the only evidence of anything is some naked guy screaming but everybody already knows he is insane so it's alright. It's just fine. Everything is normal.

Ya-ya Normal.


And this is the link to my blog posts here at NING by title, we'll see how it works:

Poetry -
The Tongue
Butterflies in Sonnet
Zen II - IV
A Barking Dog
Zen VIII - XVI [posted to: Haiku/Senryu Discussions]
Armistice [posted in: Four Lines | Four Poems | For Today]
Without Justice

Prose -
Why I Write
Manifesto: American Mad
Na Na ~ TV Commercial Observation

Prose - Satire
Letter To Letterman: Hi Dave It's Dave
Happy 4th
Gallows Humor
Tee Shits or Chickens and Tyrants of Zen
Did ya like the piece about Tee Shirts and Tyrants?
And How Are We Feeling?
Finally I Have A Plan [posted in the forum]
LA Humor
Do You Like Dogs?

Prose - fiction
St. James [it's on my website zendogblog.net]

Comment Wall:

  • Mark Mentzer

    Hey ZD good to see you here. I've started up the "Left Wing Politics" group here - http://teebeedee.ning.com/group/leftwingpolitics. Also, you might find my "The Beat Generation" group of interest - http://teebeedee.ning.com/group/thebeatgeneration.
  • Whozzo

  • kainsworth

    Good to see that you've met us on the other side.
  • Amanda T. Wills

    Thank you kindly for the add ZenDog. I look forward to getting to know you! Smiles.
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    What Whozzo said.

    Be my friend or I'll BITE you! :
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Re:So, you were reading Umberto Eco in a homeless shelter and the book kept disappearing? And you wondered why?
    Traveling Through Hyperreality With Umberto Eco

    An early description of the way contemporary culture is now full of re-creations and themed environments was provided by Umberto Eco. In a brilliant essay, Eco saw that we create these realistic fabrications in an effort to come up with something that is better than real -- a description that is true of virtually all fiction and culture, which gives us things that are more exciting, more beautiful, more inspiring, more terrifying, and generally more interesting than what we encounter in everyday life. In his description of Disney, Eco also saw that behind the facades lurks a sales pitch. Put these ideas together and you have a succinct characterization of the age, which is forever offering us something that seems better than real in order to sell us something. That makes Umberto Eco one of the forerunners of contemporary thinking on this subject.

    ~ Thought you might enjoy this ;-D
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    ~ And here is the link: http://www.transparencynow.com/eco.htm
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Oh! My goodness gracious moi! Look at YOU! A featured member! Where is Dinky when one needs him!!! On my oh my. There goes your rep. ZD ~ you are now deemed to be positively mainstream! Shall we celebrate this momentous occasion or ignore it or both?!? An "Eco" moment come true!

  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    Hahahaha well at least YOU have (finally!) been featured! I've been a member now for more than a year and it's never happened! Neither has TSD. We are probably not the right "type" - mind you . . . now that you have been featured, maybe there is hope ! (Pity you can't hear me laughing my head off here!!!)
  • kainsworth

    Peace, dearest. Hope your week is rocking and rolling.
  • kainsworth

    Upside down? Just do what I do. Learn to walk on the ceiling. 4/20, Hmm why does that number sound familiar?
  • Lily Roth

    Heyyyy....Ray Bradbury is great.....October Country is my favorite work of his!
  • kainsworth

    You did the page thing again! It was cool, so I didn't want to mess it up by posting to the threads. Just saying that I noticed. Ha ha!
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    OFF WITH HER HEAD I SAY !!!! /;->
  • Dazzling Zoomer Gal Diana

    LOL (Click Me)
    OMG. Toooooooooooooooo funny you. That is hilarious!!! You are my inspiration. Falling about this morning. You made my weekend you have ! MWAH!