TBD on Ning

What comes after the initial YES WE CAN slogan? Looking for the unspoken follow up to this phrase, both positive and negative. Call it the fill in the blank game. Here are some examples:

YES WE CAN...say one thing and do another.
YES WE CAN...vote to raise everyone's taxes and not pay our own.
YES WE CAN...fan the flames of racism rather than judge people by the content of their character.
YES WE CAN...screw things up just as much as the Republicans, but in a different way.
YES WE CAN...what?

Tags: Obama, politics

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YES WE CAN...paint each other as ignorant because we don't agree with the majority opinion. Freedom of speech is DEAD in this country.
Well I did'nt know about all of these Forum sites but I'll sure be posting on them from now on.
sorry Bill I have tried to spread the word. This is kind like the old home page discussions.
Really...please re-read my posts and tell me WHERE I am trying to elicit sympathy? Nowhere. That would be you, going on and on and on about your sad situation. Go ahead. Re-read them and get back to me.
Self wallering in what, TobyRow? I believe I CAN make my own way in the world and not rely on the GUB'MENT to take care of me. I keep trying to find ways to make money to take care of my own needs. I'm not the one going around screaming "poor me - help - fix it for me" - that would be YOU, TobyRow. You're the one that keeps telling us your sob story about how you NEED HELP because you can't do it on your own and the BIG, BAD INSURANCE COMPANIES don't care. Seems to me you are doing the self wallerin. Why don't you get off your lazy ass and pay for your own crap instead of expecting everyone else support you?
I have calmly expressed my opinion over and over, Marge and been attacked by everyone for doing so. I have always expressed my opinion as just that, "my opinion" and said that "I don't believe" the politicians, etc. In return, I have been told that I am unintelligent, I don't have all the facts, I'm "self wallerin'" - and, of course, I'm a whiner and hater, too.

Believe me, Marge, I already got the point from your "whiners and haters" thread that I could kiss your ass. That would be because I'm a "whiner and hater" for disagreeing with your opinion. As I've also said over and over, Republicans and Democrats are all the same - they love you if you agree with them and accuse you of being a horrible person if you don't. Same old crap.
The "self wallerin'" comment was also out of line. Play fair and so will I. Got it?
I find your comments offensive and down right mean. I know Toby's story very well and she is not lazy by any means. If this was the old tbd I would flag you as inappropriate. Too bad those days are gone.
I would never wish hard times on anybody but you are getting very close to making me change my mind.
That's fine. I have simply expressed "my opinion" over and over and over and been attacked again and again. I would have already expected you to wish me ill will pickleallen. I am the villian here because I don't agree with the majority. That makes me a terrible person who deserves bad things. See how that works? Freedom of speech, hell, freedom of thought is only allowed if I agree with you.
If you are the villian in this case it is because you told a good honest hard working American to get off her lazy ass and do something for her self. You do not know Toby's story and what you said was out of line. Please do not twist my words. I said you were close to making me change my mind. Not that I had changed it. Try to clear your mind of the hate that seems to fill it.
Twist YOUR words? How about twisting my thoughts. I don't have any hate. I simply don't think the government is the solution. You can try to manipulate this to suit your goals, pickleallen, but it won't work. You don't have integrity and conviction on your side. Your arguments go off on tangents. Why don't you stick to the point?

Hate? Please. I'm not the one that's "close to" changing my mind about wishing someone with a different opinion ill will. You are.
Of course you feel it's "too bad" that the old TBD is gone and you can't "flag" me as "inappropriate". It really sucks when you can't censor people and restrict their freedom of speech, doesn't it, pickleallen?

And to wish hard times on someone for expressing themselves? Gimme a break. I don't wish hard times on anyone except killers and dictators and people who torture people. People who say things I don't like? The thought of hard times befalling them is never a consideration for me. But, as I said before, it doesn't surprise me that you would have thoughts like that.




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