TBD on Ning

It's Friday.

Chucks is gone and so is his Q&A Group. As JayLee feared so are the Vibes. Since there is no Question and answer group there appears to be no check in.


So Let's do it over here. It's the start of the weekend! Time to have fun.


There is all kinds of bad news.

1. Looks like tbd is splintering.

2. After two days the TBD Stalwarts has only 7 members.

3. The Stock Market tanked yesterday.

4. The end of the world is near.

5. The Zombies are still here


Everybody check in and give me some good news.


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Thanks Bob!
Got the hug, and I'm POSITIVE it's the only thing that saved me!!!!!!
Kooner, I always knew you were a real animal.
I'm glad you're okay, TeeBubbaDee!
Thanks Goldie, We got lucky. Lots of damage in the neighborhood, snapped telephone poles, tree limbs and fences blown down, etc. Next door, an entire section of fence was taken out, and glass in a french door shattered, but we only lost a couple of screens.

i am back and the sun was out today.

I am hungry. what is for dinner?

Actualy B A F, this wasn't that scary. There was some pretty serious damage within about 20 30 miles of us. There were a total of 9 touchdowns. But stuff close to us was actually pretty minor damage. Like I said, tree limbs, telephone poles. fences, etc. I was real close of a big one in Ohio about 25 years ago. Again, we had no real damage, but that one took out whole blocks of houses. It literally looked like the homes had exploded.
Jarrel, Texas 1997....an F5 tornado...winds in excess of 200 mph....a mile wide...wiped out a whole town. Nothing left but concrete slabs......strips of asphalt stripped from roads as if cut by a knife. Total and complete devistation.
I am still here.
Hi, Beth!
I am here and have spring fever too. My yard needs to be mowed but I just sit on the patio and look at it.
I tried that last year, Olivia & couldn't find one! I saw this WAY cool You Tube video & articles on renting goats to eat up whatever you want eaten up on your property, but there are NONE to be rented in metro Atlanta - not a one! :-P




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