TBD on Ning

whats the frist thing you do whan you get out of your bed

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use spellcheck
Turn off the alarm. Clean my Glock, then use spell check.
Give thanks for being able to get out of bed.
I scratch my head, then my nether regions, pick my nose, burp and fart whilst on the way to take my morning shower...then I wake up...!LOL! (No lie, just ask DZGD...she'll tell you there's a reason we have separate bedrooms...ha!ha!ha!) ;->
I understand TSD, farting and other loud bodily sounds can lead to separate bedrooms.
Turn on the stock market news to see if I'm still retired or if that is toast,
start picking up beer cans along the road.
Please don't distribute my snoring sonata when you do. LOL
Decide if I should retire today or go to work.
Start walking the cramps out of my legs and feet.
grab my robe and wonder what day it is!!!!!!




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