TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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I need more coffee too. I'm definately not on my game, wasn't on last night either. Besmirch away, go ahead, I'll recipricate later. :)
That would be self-besmirching. :)
Shouldn't I still be in bed nursing a drunken stupor from last night? I put in a hard four days of work. You would think I'd still be in bed sleeping but nope. I'm up and considering going outside in five degree weather to check my bird feeders. Something is wrong here.

One must still be okay. I got a pair of cardinals and a purple finch battling over the sunflower seeds.
Bird feeders?
Are you insane?
Attracting those filthy creatures on purpose...
What is wrong with you?

[Happy New Year :-)]
Some people have compassion for our feathered friends Quinny. Not much food to be found in the snow and the cold. So just BACK OFF already.

Happy New Year, love you.
All this !!!@#%***%#@!!! talk about food....and the pizza parlour where I work doesn't open until
11am EST...sod you all!!!!
I take care of the birds here. When they fly into the glass patio doors and break their necks I give them a decent burial in the garbage can. It happens a lot lately.
That will teach you to build a glass house in a low flying zone....nyuk! nyuk! nyuk!

I know.
And, surprisingly, I like you anyway?!?




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