Personally I love driving my Motorhome towing my jeep on the Interstate bypasses around big cities at 60 mph. I have a sticker that says "I'm retired, go around me". I just love the guys in the little Hondas who pass me and cut right back in front of me, thinking they are doing some smart ass thing that will piss me off. They do not realize that It takes at least 200 ft to stop my motorhome. They think they piss me off, Ha! My moterhome and tow car together weigh about 26,000 pounds and I sit higher than the top of their car. If they stop in a distance of 130 ft and I stop in a distance of 200 ft, who do you think is going to walk away from that stop.
Permalink Reply by Ubu on November 14, 2009 at 8:23pm
Looks like Snagg is bailing on you, Larry, even though Quinn called him out. Color announcer --- pfft. He has moments where he thinks he's Howard Cosell. You would think he was in show business or something.