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What's the proper procedure for handling someone who, trying to be nice, makes a promise while having no understanding of what they're getting into, and unwittingly makes it clear that they are in for a gigantic, unpleasant shock when the promise comes due - All of which sort of obligated me to pay almost 200 smackers so as to prevent the person who made the promise from publicly embarrassing themselves in a big way?

The problem, of course, is that the person will probably never fully understand just what happened, would be utterly mortified if they did, and then will be angry with me for spending the kind of money that they didn't understand they were obligating themselves to be responsible for?

I think the proper procedure may not be "handling" the person you just rescued; maybe it's for you to go to a Co-Dependents Anonymous meeting.
I wish it were that simple...

I know what you mean Snagg, I find myself in some situations that leaved me...peeved :-)


Are you an oldest child?

I did research on birth order and found that most of my insanity and assorted behaviors can be related to being an oldest child...

Nope, the youngest - Of two.
I'm in the middle, two older and two younger.

Robbie, that's one of the best emoticons ever. I'm copying it. Be prepared to see me using it unless I get copyright infringement notification from you. '-)


...hey- I'm in the mood for YEAH! Burger. You coming thru town anytime soon?

From the Singularity Hub blog meet Robo-Rat, the newest member of the Rat Borg Collective.

In the latest advance in cyborg technology, scientists have replaced the dysfunctional part of a rat’s brain with electrodes and a computer chip. It’s the part of the brain that coordinates movement, so when the chip is off the rat can’t perform a simple movement task. But power up the chip and it performs perfectly.

No word as yet on whether he will announce his candidacy and join the Republican Presidential debates.
Once in Burlington , I saw a Saab with a rat hood ornament and the rat was running his little fanny off.

Once in college, I was walking home with my friend Patrick and a rat jumped onto the top of his shoe.

He later said that I had a mean streak cause I laughed when he schreeched at the sight of the rat looking up at him from his shoe. AWW with those beady brown eyes awwwwlol.

How does the DMV do that?

I don't photograph well, no one in my immediate family does really. [And, I'm not just saying that...friends and relations comment regularly]

Anyway, the DMV takes it up one whole ugliness level, does that picture taking machine they use have a distort-o-meter inside?




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