TBD on Ning

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Hopefully the insurance will work out Q, but if not sue the idiot for everything you can get.
Insist that your insurance pay for a lawyer to sue for the deductible, plus court costs. Call their friggin' bluff. Insist on a jury trial. NO insurance company wants to be seen as covering their ass by using a drunk driver for their alibi. That usually loosens a few sphincters, and should resolve your problem.
Pass the swear jar, there goes my marguerita money.

My late wife went through something like this several years ago. A teenage boy rearended her and his "parents" were going to teach him a lesson by making him pay for it. They had insurance but did not report the accident. Our insurance company fixed her car but we had to pay the deductible. Our insurance company then sued the parents and when they recovered the money we got the deductible back.

"Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Conference Deal."
There are quite a few things about living in FL. that I like. BUT one of the things I HATE, is walking into the bathroom and finding a 3 foot long snake!!!!!
Did I say 3 foot? That thing musta been at least 10 foot long. And did I tell you there were about 100 of them and I was on a plane???
No, never got bored enough to watch it. Most movies these days don't interest me that much. And if my grandson wants me to watch Cars with Lightning McQueen one more time, I think I'll scream.
I used to be able to lipsink Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and I could do a pretty good impersonation, voice wise of the burn out turtle , was it Donatello? So I called up my friend's kid on his birthday and wished him a good one. He was young enough to fall for it.
Jeszcze Polska nie zginela, Kiedy my zyjemy.



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