TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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I'm so forlorn, everybody's been so nice to me the last couple of weeks, I don't know how to act.
Don't ruin a good thing!!! I'm quite certain that you can pay a visit to one of the groups or blogs should you feel the need to be assailed for "not falling in with the party line." There always seems to be one or more village idiot(s) ready to ruin the TBD experience for everybody just because they got their knickers in a knot.
Love to you and the missus!!!!
I am out of breath, trying to drive one of them off page one here. *grin*

Just wait 'til you get back to the homestead, Lar, you'll find plenty to rant about.
It's just a temporary thing. Letting you enjoy your trip and feel all good about yourself....then the onslaught. Crushing souls is our ulterior motive. :-) <------(extra rant for the oblivious ones) Note the smiley face or on occasion the winky face. That denotes humor or tongue in cheek response. I will repeat this again for those whose short term memory is failing them.
Tell me again. What is short uh, short, uh something?
Never use the word "short" around MM. It makes her feel ignored.

Had my brother over today and we sat like lumpy-lumps and watched 4 movies. He liked them all, and he's a pretty hard sell. Well Done ME.
All right. What were they?
"District 9", "Pan's Labyrinth", "The Dark Knight" and "The Hurt Locker". We're trying to catch up on his movie backlog before he heads back to New Mexico.

Been a looooooooooooong time since I've seen "Napalm Wilder". Never saw "Sordid Lives"; Anything with Olivia Neutron-Bomb gets an automatic pass from me.
I think you would like it. The only thing ONJ does is sing the title song. And that is different than anything else I ever heard her sing.
The only one of the above 4 that I have seen is "The Hurt Locker" It is very well done, but was a real downer for me because I got hooked on that constant adrenilen high in Nam. It's a real thing.
Snagg, Have you ever seen "Sordid Lives" Or "Napalm Wilder"? They are two of my favorites. And of course "Kelly's Heros"
I watched Kelly's Heroes last year. I hadn't seen it in ages. Still a good one. My daughters for some odd reason like Clint Eastwood.
Always more of a "Dirty Dozen" guy, myself...




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