TBD on Ning

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Oooh, Ouch.

Boy, that's one flame I'll never tamper with again. Nossirree, I've learned my lesson, You Betcha. Gosh All Hemlock, are my ears stinging. Yikes. Good heavens, have I ever been put in my place, reminded just who's in charge around here, read the riot act, had the hammer dropped on me, keelhauled, received a stern talking-to, had my knuckles rapped. Oh, the Agony. Somebody, remove this dagger from out my heart. He'p a brother out.
With the judges scoring the fight even, Snagg can't answer the bell for the second round. The crowd boos. Quinn is surrounded by sports media. Even in victory she whines that she was tired and not on top of her game.

This sports writer is outahere, happy he didn't have to buy a ticket to see this shamefest.
Nothing to write about here Suzan, or is it Janice? Snagg's a quitter and Quinn wants a rematch even though she's victorious through default. I don't blame her, it was a lackluster performance.
I'm sorry - Was I expected to return for a second round? I was away, talking to somebody who is actually important. Then I wander back here and find that there's a riot goin' on in the Peanut Gallery.

I guess my fancy-schmancy verbal footwork so dazzled the besotted ringside announcer that he failed to notice my actual comeback from Quinn's limp jabs, the itty-bitty love taps that accomplished little more than announcing her entry into the ring.

Look, if there's going to be actual scoring going on (I thought that this was just going to be a stand-up street brawl), then some body oughta make that clear to both the contestants and the howling bloodthirsty mob that consider themselves "aficianados of the sport".

Hmf. Pish Posh and Horse Feathers, ya lightweights..
Oh, c'mon now! You can't quit! Let's make it interesting...let's make it really interesting by invoking ECW Hardcore rules: No disqualification(s); Foreign objects permitted; Pinfalls count anywhere in the arena. We'll even make it a cage match....WWWHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Sounds like somebody slammed their d**k in a door.
Why would a crushed deck of cards bother anyone?
They were special cards - the ones they found hidden in their dad's top dresser door and went steady with all through eighth grade. It's a sentimental thing, like remembering your first crushing rejection at a school dance, or that time you briefly thought that you'd won an argument with me.
I thought he meant duck.
Hey! I'm in charge of exclamation points around here. Who gave you the approval for useing so many?
It says right in the community guidlines that posters are allowed only 6 exclamation points a day. I counted 7 in your post. That's it. You aren't authorized any more exclamtion points until tomorrow.
People who think the rules don't apply to them.
People who think they are entitled.
People who think they are smart, but aren't.
People who think they are clever, but aren't.

I will now attempt to be smart and clever and I expect everyone to like it. I do control the fate of this thread therefore I can do what I want.




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