TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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You mean you feel that TBD has a shortage of piles of liberal feminist poo-poo laying around, right?

(You feel that way, Larry - Not Me, Natch. I enjoy hearing Quinn prattle on as if her views were as important as a man's. It has a musical quality, like the seagulls screeching and fighting over a handful of abandoned french fries in the parking lot of a Toys'R'Us.)

Where is Quinn, anyway? Off on some harebrained christmas holiday with the rest of her grouchy family, I suppose? Ignoring her responsibilities to the rest of us, her Internet Family?

Hmf. Fickle.
[Backs quickly away from Snagg, so as not to get caught in the crossfire....]
Scoot over. This will be like watching Elmer Fudd trying to best Bugs Bunny. :-)
Oh yeah Calli and Maria, this ought to be good when Quinn sees that. I only wish I were half as brave as Snagg.
Man, Snagg, you're brave! (or maybe a little senile, or crazy, or stupid, or OMG, he's gonna incure the wrath of the Quinn)
Ahhh, Quinn isn't so tough. a lacross stick to the head has been known to slow her down.

Oh, I can't watch.
That's hilarious J Lee. My sentiments exactly.
Snagg wrote:
You mean you feel that TBD has a shortage of piles of liberal feminist poo-poo laying around, right?

(You feel that way, Larry - Not Me, Natch. I enjoy hearing Quinn prattle on as if her views were as important as a man's. It has a musical quality, like the seagulls screeching and fighting over a handful of abandoned french fries in the parking lot of a Toys'R'Us.)

Where is Quinn, anyway? Off on some harebrained christmas holiday with the rest of her grouchy family, I suppose? Ignoring her responsibilities to the rest of us, her Internet Family?

Hmf. Fickle.

There are seagulls in Springfield? What part of “sea” don’t they understand?
Sorry for the detour...
Back to business...

Where to begin?
My views are not as important as a man's--they are MORE important. Will you never learn?!?

Beyoind that, the rest of your rant sounded like Charlie Brown’s teacher to me…

Yes, very similar. On the one hand---Charlie Brown's teacher. On the other hand---Snagg

Hard to tell.

From the judge's scorecards after round one......Snagg--------1............Quinn---------1.

This is the match the crowd's been waiting for. Both fighters hitting the canvas numerous times during the first round.




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