TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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Larry... Pru... where is everybody? It's like a ghost town in here this morning. :-(
And I've gotta get on w/my day, so... you guys have a good one.
Has social networking lost it's appeal? Will I ever get to meet my 53rd tbder?
It's too early to be awake on a Monday morning......
Yeah, Thanks, Adam & Eve, for screwing up and inspiring god to invent Monday mornings. We owe you for that one.
Did anybody else notice on the discussions page where it said Quinn was the last person to post in this discussion an hour after my last post?!!!? Funny, Snagg doesn't look very much like Quinn to me.....must be one those "random tee bee dee glitches"......
too tired to entertain now........ *whine******************************************************************
I spent the morning botanizing weeds (not weed) with my group - we had a good time. I guess learning this new batch of Latin names is good exercise for my poor little brain.
I have a mountain ash in my back yard and some choke cherry trees and rosa ragusa for rose hips and of course the fiddle head ferns. I was thinking of making walking sticks with the mountain ash tree's branches from time to time.
25 days & 16 hours 'til a brand new life. Life is very sweet for me right now.
I should plant those flower bulbs while the weather cooperates.
My odds of winning a million bucks plus an additional five thousand a week for life from the Publisher's Clearing House are 1 in 1,750,000,000.
There's always getting hit by lightning and selling a book about it as an alternative.




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