TBD on Ning

I got a problem. Yes, and I do not know how to approach it. I got a new computer about three weeks ago, and I have been the only person to use it, with the exception--of the chidrens father who ask to use it to check his email one afternoon. I was just flicking through the google sites last night as I have been looking up some things on the girlfriend that lost her son. I saw something that looked very strange--I clicked on the link--bingo--it was a link to porn of girls just over 18 doing it all. I am disturbed that this old man that is 71 is looking at this trash of children yonnger than his grandchild.

He had gone so far as to put this city in, and other things on the site.


Is this normal?



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it's one thing for a 71 yr old man to look at porn......it's another when he is looking at 18 year old girls. That IS wrong............very wrong.

Why? Because you don't like it?

Exactly what about it do you think is wrong? Were the women forced into doing it? Were they being beaten and tortured? Was someone being killed? Was the guy so excited by watching it that he went out and raped someone?

If the man was 25, would you still be as outraged? 35? 45? 55? What is the cutoff age? And where is this law written? Because, as I said, if there is one, I sure didn't get the memo.

I don't expect men who have no daughters to even understand my words or blondie's words. Men who do have daughters totally get what we are saying. It's creepy........just plain creepy

And if they have sons, does that make it any better?

If I am 25 and I have sex with a 19-year old, to whom I am not married, that is okay but if I am 45, it's creepy if my 19-year old daughter has sex? A little double standard, don't you think?

Did you have sex before you were married? If you did, how can you complain if your daughters do it? And if they chose to film it, isn't that their business? (I'm not saying that I approve of it but then, again, I am not the ones starring on film)

and that sex is beautiful and not ugly like porn makes it..........to never accept any man that thinks that degrading a woman is fun.

First off, if you think that pornography is ugly, I suggest you watch better quality films. Like most cinema, some pornographic films are rather terrible. But what makes them ugly? The fact that two (or more) people are engaged in act of sex? And if so, why is it okay for some Hollywood actress, backed by a large studio and furnished with "artistic" cinemtographers, etc to bare her body and simulate the act but it it isn't for Holly Housewife to actually do it in front of an 8mm camera in her kitchen? What makes one degrading and the other not? Or are you just objecting to the lack of budget and artistic skills? As it happens, I've seen some "pornographic" films that make most of what comes out of Hollywood look like a Road Runner cartoon.

Unless someone is actually coerced into the acts performed in the film, what is so degrading about pornography? If all the parties are consenting, exactly who is being degraded? In most cases, these women are being (very well) compensated for their trouble or, in some cases, they are doing this voluntarily. (People do things on Youtube that are far more stupid, every day)

Now if you don't wish to watch pornography, that is certainly your choice. And watching porn on someone else's computer, without their permission or knowledge, is certainly rather poor judgement. No argument. If you find porn creepy or distasteful, that is certainly your choice. But the fact that someone might make a dfifferent choice doesn't necessarily invalidate that choice.
1GL....If you have such a problem with the b/f watching porn I gotta ask, why are you still with him?????
It's easy to see what sites people have visited on your computer.
Just click history. (Favorites first)
And Male Turtles.
Yeah, but give that animal a computer and watch out!!!
My dogs would pay to watch this.

You need 3 antivirus programs. Norton, Adware SE, and HijackThis! Run them one after the other and you'll be ok. (The last 2 programs are free.
Good grief, I'm not surprised that Robbie's addicted!

Now, how old do you think those turtles are?
Typical! The male doing all the work and having all the enjoyment, it would appear.
Jeezus, I just saw a naked woman on the Internet. I'm so appalled I can't concentrate on doing my research on how to build bombs and manufacture hallucinogenic drugs.
If a man is standing alone in a forest and a woman isn't there to see or hear him, is he still wrong?
OK--I have read all the answers--last night I spoke with the man in question. I looked him right in the eye and he lied to me(I have known him since I was 17 yrs old.) I said OK how would you like to go in on your computer and find I had been looking at men about 18 years old masterbating. His eyes got big, and said, why would you do that, it would be disgusting. He acted very strange after that. A guilty concience. I told him I had also found it on the house computer but never said anything because many people use it. He did not answer.




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