TBD on Ning

TeeBubbaDee is going into the hospital tomorrow for surgery & could be there awhile...
I just want you to know, TeeBub, that you have lots of friendship & love & support here, & an abundance of people that will be pulling for your success & recovery. You're awesome.

Tags: TeeBubbaDee

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oh, Snagg, that's just pitiful. Don't pay him any mind, TeeBubba!
(That's a terrible replacement for your hat!)

I am adding my prayers and good thoughts to the rest...hope you are back on your paws soon.
Thinking about'cha today TeeBubba....

I want to say a heartfelt Thank You to each and every one of you great people. First surgery went fine, and second surgery SHOULD be next Thur. I would love to reply to every single comment on this thread, but my typing sucks, and I am on a tiny netbook which just makes things worse
Good news buddy! Call if you need anything!
Thanks Larry. I could use a couple beers!!
Oh, Tee, I just can't wait to see you up and around again!

Thanks for the update, and cheers for Thursday. Big hugs to you and Dee and your special nurses.
Great News buddy. Too bad I'm not close. I have been known to sneak beer in in milkshake containers.
Milkshake containers! Good idea.
I knew I likes Robbie for a reason!
Speedy recovery, T Bubs. Big hugs to you.
♫♫ Mama called the Doctor
And the Doctor said--
If the chicken soup's not working,
Try some straight up gin instead.




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