TBD on Ning

Has anyone ever been a victium of this? I am looking at TV show now that is talking about a girl that had a nose job after someone make fun of hers on line? People can be cruel and do not think of how much damage it does to the other person.

Tags: bully, computers, health, mental

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That is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read. People at any age have the ability to change if they so choose. I witnessed my grandfather... age 72.... change from an unfeeling bastard to a loving, caring human being. Sweeping generalizations like that are so closed-minded it's not funny.

You are attacking him in a way that is completely uncalled for after he was a big enough person to stand up, own his actions and apologize for it... especially after you fully admitted you only have "little bits and pieces of information" about the events that took place.

Do I believe he stops hurting people? Maybe... I believe that he is more aware of his actions and the repurcussions of those actions... unlike some. No one is perfect and no one can say that they never hurt anyone... because that just isn't possible... to err is human, to forgive devine.

It's very interesting what happened when I read your opinion. I actually laughed out loud. It's just that we are 2 totally different people. I find 99% of what you are saying to be totally ridiculous. It is OK. I am staying the way I am.

About your grandfather. I witnessed several people to change their behavior when they get to that age, mostly over 70 years old. People start understanding that they don't have too much time left on their hands and they understand they screwed their lives and the lives of the people they love. Yes, people change sometimes, but at what cost?

My solution: detect the people that might hurt me and stay away from them, especially those that I find to be 99% ridiculous.
Kudos Anthony.
"I find 99% of what you are saying to be totally ridiculous." -Alla

So I am now curious, are you finding 99% of what Maria SAID Ridiculous or HER directly?

"My solution: detect the people that might hurt me and stay away from them, especially those that I find to be 99% ridiculous."- Alla
LMAO....Ya got me Alla!! Ya did! You managed to make this about YOU and I took the bait!! Shame on me.
alla wrote: My solution: detect the people that might hurt me and stay away from them, especially those that I find to be 99% ridiculous.

So well put. I think that every time I read something that you have posted.
I find you to be a troublesome flamer and probably a very lonely , disillusioned human being.
I find you to be a troublesome flamer and probably a very lonely , disillusioned human being.

I will answer this particular posting. Yes, I am very lonely. I became lonely when I lost my husband of 20 years. It is my choice to be lonely at this time of my life. I find very few people worth of my attention. Those that I find to be worth of my attention and my friendship - they are diamonds and I value our relationship.

You are right about me being a troublemaker - if not me, Anthony would not come out with his apology. I am directly responsible for that. I ask questions. I scrutinize. Sometimes I get the answers. I am happy that Anthony came out with the apology. I hope it will bring Tina some solace. I could not stand watching Tina suffering so much. I knew very well that she did not deserve it.

At this point, I will have to say: good night, my friends (lol!). Have fun without me tonight. I am not answering any postings in this thread. Don't eat each other alive.

And Jaylee53, I can not stand you to the extent that I never read what you post, always bypass you, as if you do not exist.

"You are right about me being a troublemaker - if not me, Anthony would not come out with his apology. I am directly responsible for that. I ask questions. I scrutinize. Sometimes I get the answers. I am happy that Anthony came out with the apology. I hope it will bring Tina some solace. I could not stand watching Tina suffering so much. I knew very well that she did not deserve it."-Alla

Amazing, first you belittle his apology and NOW you take credit for the fact that he presented it! You are a very strange lady Alla. Tina has held her own quite fine without you, so please do not credit yourself with others humanity and common sense and forgiveness, it is kinda creepy. With that....Kaput!! (Stick to your Kaput and I'll stick with mine.)
I agree with Maria once again. She has witnessed the change in a person and I really don't think age should be considered a factor. Be it at 50 or 70. Some come to the realization that they have wronged someone and want to correct what they have done. The wrong may not be reversible but still the act of reconciliation is there and as it is proven here that it is up to someone else to accept it or reject it. Even that is something that does not need to be scrutinized. It is what it is and nothing more. That person also needs a change of heart and that may not come. Let it go. The more this is picked apart and analyzed in open forum the worse it will get. Once again, just put it behind and move on.
Tina has talked so much lately, several months after the infamous episode, about the "front page" at the old tbd. She's also mentioned numerous times about "truth" and "slander". I'm writing in hopes of making clear to Tina my thoughts at the time of my posting on the Q&A (front page) back in June. I had just learned that a dear friend (Tina) had a short time to live, (my impression was a very short time). It was suggested by some that maybe this was a hoax. I asked myself, could it be a hoax, if so, why? I mentioned on my post that , given the traumatic occurances of Tina's past, this could be an unhealthy need for attention on Tina's part. By the way, I mentioned some of the occurances in this post, all of which Tina had mentioned publicly on previous threads, I divulged no secrets. So, I was faced with two evils, I was losing a very dear friend to physical illness, or, maybe my dear friend had a mental illness. I was hoping for mental illness, at least then there was a chance that it could be fixed.

Personally, I attach no stigma to mental illness at all, none, zero. Apparently, many people do. How dare I even suggest this. Still, it was what I was hoping for.

Only Tina knows the truth, please don't call people liars or slanderers again. Nobody knows the truth but Tina. Most may believe one way or the other. It just doesn't matter to me. The only thing that matters to me is that you live out the rest of your days in comfort and happiness. We've all been doubted at one time or another when we've been telling the truth, it's a terrible feeling to be totally honest and have some people doubt you. Again, it's happened to all of us.

I have no doubts about your physical ailments, again, I wish you comfort and happiness.

It's obvious that you're still hurting from all of Tina, your going on and on and on about it makes it obvious. it deeply saddens me every time I see you bring it up again. I hope you're able to put this in the past and move on.

I haven't responded to this occurance until now, and I will never say another word about it. I spoke from my heart, if anybody feels compelled to slam me, maybe you should read this again, you may have missed something.
You were not "my" friend Larry Kremis, However the truth of that was not seen until I was flat out and unable to defend myself against your cruel speculations. Yes you had said many times that you were a friend, friends do not act in such a way. Many showed their true colors, I know who my online friends are.
I did not label the lies and slander lies and slander the police did. Because that is what it was then and is now. So thank you.
Anthony had started to turn this very sad situation around, I really wish you had left it alone. How ever I can thank you both, he for having some backbone and honor and you for giving me the answer I have struggled with. I will struggle no more, My decision is made. Blessings, Tina
So wrong on so many levels Maria...But thanks anyway, it helps me know what I need to do. Blessings




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