TBD on Ning

OMG!! State Of Emergency In Florida!!!! Please Pray For Us In Florida!!!!

Just hoping for prayers from my fellow TBD'ers, Florida State Governor Charlie Crist has just declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY!!! You aren't gonna believe this, but it is gonna get COLD!! Yep, hard to believe, but in the Tampa/St Pete area, it is expected to be 50 degrees Sat, with an overnight low of (GASP) 28 degrees. I am not sure if I will be able to survive without the prayers, and positive energy that I know good TBD'ers can generate.

Tags: weather, wimps

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Calli, It's the thought that counts, and I am "feeling" you!

[with thanks to Pru!]
Dude, Just cause you live in the town where I was born, don't start trying to bogart my wool. Don't listen to him Calli, he is just a Tenn. hillbilly.

PS, I was really born in Dickson. Parents were fron Cumberland Furnace, and Dickson was the closest hospital.
I grew up in Cumberland Furnace. We might be related.
No Shit!!! In my entire life, I have never met anyone that had even heard of Cumberland furnace. We gotta talk.
Well now you have. I bet the other people on here are saying "what in the hell is Cumberland Furnace.
I thought everybody from the Tenn. hills were related.
Sandra, At least you are gonna get a flake or 4 or 5. All we gotta worry about is freezing oranges.
TeeBubbaDee 8 minutes ago
Darroll, this is something I already knew, but do you really think it should be something that should discussed in polite conversation.

I won’t tell the girls.
Darroll, Ummmm. I think you might have already let the cat outta the bag. But then my cats are not too gender concerned when using the litter box, so I guess it is OK. But they do get pissed (no pun intended) when I use it.
All those oldsters down there in Florida are gonna freeze their tails off. I guess they' will just have to hug each other all night long. And then another emergency will be declared: "Unprecented pregnancy rate among older folk declared followng sudden Florida freeze." LOL.
near DC where I live the wind chill is-4 and the wind is howling. No place for man or beast.




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