TBD on Ning

Kittycat received a clean bill of health from her doctor this afternoon. We're off to FL Friday via Bridgeville, PA and Raleigh NC and Charleston SC. After FL we're off to Dallas via Mobile , AL and Houston TX. Then we'll return home via Texarkana, TX and Dickson, TN. If you live along the way let us know, we'd love to meet you


I'll use this thread to post pics of our roadtrip.

Tags: meeting-friends

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Yes! I'm going to meet them in Tampa. TeeBubb and Possibly WtF and a couple others.
WTF is the reknowned Wanda The Faye.
I'm late posting some pics. Isn't Felicia a cutie?

! Love this picture of her that night! Felicia is gorgeous. TSD and I still can not stop talking about the evening - it was so wonderful. We are going through withdrawal. Still.
Sandy found my toiletry bag. 1GL put her up to it. Looking for my makeup.

I know what to get your for Christmas. A proper ditty bag !

A bag used by armed forces personnel to carry small items such as sewing implements.
And crushed velvet underwear! /;-D
I hope you're taking him shopping! He must know all the latest trends, being the fashion plate he is.

*Velcro? Is it in the book???*
Every time Kittycat wasn't looking, Sandy would fondle me.

Taking notes....Sandy into velcro.
I bet he was playing footsie with kitty with his other foot though...Just to keep her occupied!!
She still can't believe that Larry wears velcro, so she has to check for herself!! LOL. Women just ca't leave Larry alone!




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