TBD on Ning

Kittycat received a clean bill of health from her doctor this afternoon. We're off to FL Friday via Bridgeville, PA and Raleigh NC and Charleston SC. After FL we're off to Dallas via Mobile , AL and Houston TX. Then we'll return home via Texarkana, TX and Dickson, TN. If you live along the way let us know, we'd love to meet you


I'll use this thread to post pics of our roadtrip.

Tags: meeting-friends

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Aww, Come on, Your Majesty. WalMarts that place all the rest of us Texans get dressed up to go to on Sat. night. Well, some of us go there on Sunday after church. that way we don't have to dress up twice in one week.

That is pure madness. Exactly why I don't shop at sales! And I don't like Target. because of an incident that happened at target one time, and because I hate their refund policies.
Robbie is that guy in the pic the reincarnation of Boxcar Willie?
That was hilarious Robbie, seriously! Kudos!
Don't act like a dumb ass Gary? You're asking an awful lot.
Yeah, I know....and I'm asked that all the time too. LOL!
I'll try to meet Larry an hour early. Give him some new size 36 pants, and a few beers in him before Pru arrives.
Safe travels Larry and Carol. Whenever you get tired of that white stuff come on down!!!
great trip you two. Seems it just gets better. Trip of a lifetime! careful on the highways!!!!!!
I agree blondie, it has been a trip of a lifetime.
We're off again and heading for KathyArlene country. Gotta do some laundry first. Anyone know of a river with big rocks close by? I hate to see Kittycat work too hard scrubbing my undershorts.
Poor, poor lady. Your underwear!!!!!yuk---I hope she bought a gallon of bleach for each pair. Love you guys--




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