TBD on Ning

Kittycat received a clean bill of health from her doctor this afternoon. We're off to FL Friday via Bridgeville, PA and Raleigh NC and Charleston SC. After FL we're off to Dallas via Mobile , AL and Houston TX. Then we'll return home via Texarkana, TX and Dickson, TN. If you live along the way let us know, we'd love to meet you


I'll use this thread to post pics of our roadtrip.

Tags: meeting-friends

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I have 5 of those cloth bags they sell in the stores so you don't use plastic and screw up the environment. I never remember to take them in the store with me. The reason I have 5 is that I forgot to take the first two with me the next time I went to the store. So I bought additional ones. Then when I forgot them I just gave up and started using plastic again.
Ahem, !!!!!!! They just left!!!! OMGoooooooooodness did we have A BLAST! and speaking of bags ;) I just sent them off with a swan bag of treats for them and for Sandra and Robbie . . . in a Whole Foods paper bag (it's recyclable don't ya know :) Felicia was with us . . . it was - well I'll let them regal you with the tales and pictures - soon come!
TSD is asleep - he cooked - I decorated now I clean up!

It was more fun then words can say. Fabulous is good. I'll stick with Fabulous!
P.S. I hooked Larry into my WiFi and he was online but errrr... got just a little tiny bit distracted!!
PA wrote: "Boy I am much classier than either of you. Mine is a big ziplock bag."

Oh, my! You have to buy those!
I have used Hotwire.com for many flights, hotels and rental cars. They always have the best price and I have never had any problems.
"Super COOOOL Dude" that's Larry! And Kitty Cat is all purrrrfect and Felicia Sweetpea was with us too!

see what you are missing?!
I miss my snowblower Beth! I had a really bad flu once, I miss that too.

The little Mrs. and I drove around Raleigh yesterday while waiting for Diana and Doug to get off work. We had the windows down. It was GREAT!
We did that today Dottie. We don't want to leave Sandy, so we're staying in Charleston another day. Just relaxing this morning and do some sightseeing this afternoon.
The above reply was mine. I did it under Kittycat's sign. You probably wondered why the reply seemed a little dumbed down. lol

Diana and Felicia are the cute ones! All of us get to know one another here online, share laughs and tears. We learn of each other's trials and tribulations. I know I don't have to tell you that it's not quite the same as getting to know each other face to face. We were lucky to be able to meet 3 remarkable people last night. We drove back to the hotel, tired, with huge smiles on our faces. We shared laughs and tears. (One hell of a lot of laughs).

Underneath that cover on Doug's NEW wok, was the best stir-fried shrimp I ever had.
Thanks, Larry! Look at these! I have such cute friends - and lucky me, they're adorable inside, too!

Felicia, you must be very tall, my dear, you come all the way up to Dug's shoulder! (Were you standing on a box in the first one, or did he bend his knees?)

*Dug, the shrimp were divine. I spirited away a couple when you weren't looking. Yum!*




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