TBD on Ning

I'm going to bed now.

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Thanks for the effort
Absolutely superhuman. More than I could have attempted. Kudos, Robbie.
I think I'll take a nap before I eat lunch.
This always happens, Aggie. I was too hungry to wait... it was almost two o'clock, anyway. So now I just have to hope for a nap moment this afternoon. But the sun is coming out... lawn needs mowing...

Oh, well, I'll stop by this evening if I don't get lucky earlier.
Aggie, I mowed a bit. Lunch was delicious...worth skipping a nap for. I never did get one yesterday, but I slept like a dormouse when I finally got to bed. 2 a.m. - yikes! I slept until 9:30.

Now I'm ready to try again.

Where is that Robbie?
What can I pour you to help with the motivation?
It's so nice to feel understood. :)
Kain, I do understand, but I have to be careful of puffy eyes, since I have not been following the training regimen as carefully as I should when I'm on my own
Though I did get a little practice in with Pat, my lovely hostess, who always had a glass at the ready. Now that I'm back home, maybe I should try again...
Practice, practice, practice!
Not late enough?
Seems CWO may be AWOL!
I need to find him. I lost him and now I found him again! I be glad!

If you see him, tell him I'm looking to choke him and hug him way too hard.


I know this is two years too late in the asking....What did you want to try later?


Maybe you should make this into one of those word play tag discussion


I'll try later to....    ITLT




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