TBD on Ning

· Created by Judy Wright
“A place to give thanks and share your thoughts with others.”
Many of you know I don’t write much unless it’s something I feel might need or deserve levity, correction or if it’s something I feel very deeply about. This is the later.
About a year ago a special Lady felt we should have a place to share our thanks for the upcoming Holidays. After our move and because of the quirks of TBD ning this thread ended up as a group. I have always felt it would be better as a front-page discussion. Remember how hard we worked to get to One Thousand pages before we moved?
Well since the holidays are upon us again, Dottie and I wanted to recognize this lady. We felt what better way than to try and replicate her post and bring it out in the open. She has no idea we are doing this and we hope she doesn’t mind.
Dottie and I just want to thank Judy and bring this thread to the fore.
We hope you will all take some time to give thanks and perhaps thank Judy at the same time. We also hope you don’t mind if you find it bumped back to the front we have no idea who might do that but we do hope it is more than one.


Tags: Thankful

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Today I am thankful for phone calls across the miles.
I am thankful for haveing this opertunity to meet many interesting people whom I never would have otherwise.
I am thankful I did not wreck going over the HUGE port of Houston bridge in the pouring rain, while having a panic attack because I'm scared of bridges!
I'm thankful that the hardest parts of this day are over, and I can spend the evening in the company of my delightful daughter and some delightful books.
I'm thankful all my friends here and on the other online places I visit. I'm thankful for my local friends I see every week and have a laugh or two at the pub.
I am thankful for meditation.
I can feel the gratitude through the miles. Big love to you both.
I'm thankful for so many things. I think, most of all, I'm thankful that my grandchildren live in a home with mother and father.
Ms Farquar
What a wonderful sentiment. Very graciously expressed as usual. I wholeheartedly agree.
I am thankful for telephones and the internet so that many people who cannot be with all the ones they would like to be with can communicate with them. It isn't as good as actually being physically with them but it is still a good feeling.
I'm thankful that Sandy's heart has healed and everything else she said. I hope there are many more who have healed.
I am thankful for great artists, musicians, and architects.




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