TBD on Ning

If you noticed I haven't been on for a few days--you are right--I haven't.  Don't worry--I didn't leave teplanet...yet.  Actually itben a busy week in my home because my home was being meded.  FEMA's funding from the flood, along with some money from my home insurance liablity funds, (I didn't have any flood insurance), were spent this week on reparing the damages done by the recent floods to both my home and my land.  I had to be off the propery for a good amount of the construction workers working time, due to hazardous work area times--and othr time I was allowed to watch.  All in all they did a pretty decent job getting me back to better then new.


The grand total of the repair jobs?? 


House: $9,055.61


Land:    $1,419.21




AndI got to write hecks using other people's bank accounts!  How often does that get to happen?

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Thanks PF. I am just hopeing everything will stay intact during this week. It is suppose to rain from Sunday until Tuesday in this area. However the weather reporters are all promising there won't be nearly as much rain thi time around as there was the last time it rained 4 days in a row. Of course las tme it did--it also stopped raining for one day then went on to rain 4 consecutive days in a row again!
Thats great Heart, congratulations
Glad you're fixed Have_.

Sorry couldn't let the cheap shot slip by. Glad things are getting back to normalcy.
Glad you were able to get things fixed up around your place after those awful floods, Have a Heart!!! Good to see you back!!!
That's great news HEART, glad you're back here and glad your home is back better than ever.
Wow - when I saw the title of this thread I thought you were sharing w/us that you'd had a vasectomy!
Naahh d! that was alredy taken care of a few years ago. Wann see the scar? Uhmm....on second thought--Never mind!
Glad you are all fixed up. Remodeling can be a hastle. I had to two bathrooms done couple years ago. I had to leave the house for 10 days. Glad to have you back.
We were actually out of the house for 3 days--The cats had to go to shelters again. Gus who been walking around unhappy he last 24 hours?
=-) Glad to hear this.
Glad to hear things are getting back to normal for you!




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