TBD on Ning

Mine started off pretty well. I woke up. That's always a good sign. However when I opened the door to  take  Happy out for his morning walk, I was greeted with a blast of heat and humidity. During the walk he  proceeded to poop three times in three different places. I sure am going through a lot of poop bags.

We got back in the RV and I turned on the battery operated fan in order to cool Happy off and the batteries are totally run down.

I started to prepare my cereal. I usually eat cereal with blueberries mixed in. I quickly dropped a new, full package of blueberries on the floor. It popped open and I had to pick up blueberries and throw them away.


So, how is your morning so far?


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Good morning, Olivia. Well, what on earth did you do that deserved you poking yourself in the eye?!
I'm gonna try & get a half hour of sleep before I actually get a move on this morning. And I find getting up & moving & working out at 4am to be an obscene ritual.
You two are crazy! but I love you anyway.

I have been known to stay up 'til four, but never to get up and turn on lights and do things after I've been to bed. Unless I have a train to catch.

Bon appetit, puppies!

What kind of new floors? Maybe Bob needs little slippers so she won't be nervous about scratching it. Or maybe a comfort rug for their dining area?
*I won't say a word to Bob.*

But I know they can tell. Cats, too. Once we set the suitcase out on the bed, open, getting ready to pack, and Henry got right in and peed in it. Ack. He knew.

Felicitations to your brother.
Oh, my gosh, Chez, that's terrible! ;-P

Our Brittany mix always recognized when my ex was packing to leave on a business trip. She'd start moping. He'd go up to her to flirt her into her usual tail wags & kisses & she would just sadly turn her face away from him & have nothing to do w/him. It was heartbreaking! It's been over a year & a half since we split up & he still can't bear to come over to see her, so when we get together it always has to be out somewhere. pets.... they wrap themselves around your heart! Well.... peeing in my suitcase wouldn't wrap around my heart much... ;-p
We have had hardwood floors in the kitchen for a year and a half now and Beau still doesn't like to go in there. I can lure him in with real food but he sneaks up on it like it is alive and then takes to somewhere else to make a mess with it. He also slides on it when he makes sudden moves and that scares him.
omg, chez - WE"RE CRAZY?!
lol! my dog baxter would LOVE that breakfast you have there! ;-p
I know I've shared pics of him like this one before, but he's so gorgeous,
I figure you guys would enjoy seeing him again. '-)

Oh, it was back in the seventies, and I'd nearly forgotten about it! He was a sweet boy except for that one stunt. Oh, well, and getting under the car and coming to bed with oil on his head... he was black, who knew?

That is a sweet dog, all right. I like his smile.
Hi, gang. This thread is exactly the kind of banter that I miss from the Daily Grind! I'd actually intended to start a thread like this here in the Forum, in an attempt to recapture some of that connection amongst tbd'ers, but somehow wound up making an attempt to resurrect the DG, instead (I'm quite certain Pru's to blame for that, but I can't exactly remember the circumstances right now, as I'm distracted b/c I'm running late).
Would you guys be willing to shift this conversation down the street, to that quaint little coffee shop we know as the Grind?

Well, I think there will always be conversations going on here in the Forum, too. Random Thoughts serves the purpose most of the time.

I guess, to be honest, I never used to go to the DG because it was always
like walking into a busy cafe where everyone was talking a mile a minute and you couldn't get a word in edgewise and there was no real connection for me. I am infinitely huggable (in response to Janne's doubt ,-D) but I can't do pages of
What I can do is what I do here. And I have been trying it out over in the DG, where it works now that traffic is slowed down.

On TBD 1 I hung out, among other spots, in Morning Mayhem, where we sort of riffed thoughtfully on a 'subject of the day' basis, and the Good Times B&B, which was for a little sillier content, great hospitality, lots of wit and pictures. These are the things I'm looking for. I don't know that they can all be in the same place, or at least in the same thread. Nowadays the forum serves those purposes for me, since I hate the Ning layout (well actually, the lack of alerts) so much I rarely visit many groups.
Well, Pru, I just said this on another thread:
I think what everyone misses about the TBD1 format is the alerts system, so that you can see if there's a response right away. I get worn out making the rounds, opening doors of groups, peeking in, circling 'round again, feeling like a night watchman some days, like I'm playing hide and seek on others. I feel so lucky when I hit a conversation or a game that has new responses!

This is why I hang out here in the Forum and Q&A. I'm sick of this format, but my friends are here and I'm staying. These are the best places I know to keep an eye on them.

Random Thoughts is a discussion, even though it is often nonsense. If it should go into a group, which group should it be? I tried to do it with All Drift. Everyone drifted away, and I don't blame them; it's hell keeping a group alive here. Even Boredom is dead. If each group tried to replicate this among its members, there'd be no time to discuss their special interest. It needs to be easily accessible to all the members. Maybe it needs to be a thread in the Welcome lounge if you feel it doesn't fit in here. Just one more door to push.
No one is asking for change. This is just how it's been bumping along for some time, and to kick RT off would be the change.

But I doubt I speak for any majority. I'm jes' sayin' how I feel, and that's usually the opposite of everyone else anyway.

Never mind.




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