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Tags: happy happenstance, uplifting developments

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Absolutely, Bubba! And the "random acts of kindness" banner too.

How wonderful.

Glad you liked it!!!!


Bus Driver Talks Down Woman Attempting Suicide on Bridge 

bus driver stops suicide attempt

Buffalo bus driver Darnell Barton was crossing a bridge when he noticed a young woman standing over the guard rail appearing to be ready to jump. Hoping to help, he stopped the bus and intervened, thus saving her life.

The bus' camera captured the passengers' applause when Darnell reboarded the bus after police arrived.

(WATCH the video below)

You can hear the passengers' applause in this short video...

It took about a month but my housemate who is a compulsive gambler is moving a few houses down and the community loves him. He's a disabled Vet. Another friend of ours is looking into opening a business and hiring him. More good news for the community. It was no easy task to pry my friend loose from the addition on the house. With his PTSD, he needed reassurance that he would survive the move a few doors down. And I had to unhook him from the nipple on my wallet.

Weaning can be difficult.

I'll be alright. You'll see. Loves ya!

I'm sure you will be!!

loving joyuos dance in the womans hut..

This is FABULOUS, DD!!!  What positive energy!

The best I ever did was paint a bullseye on my ass before a colonoscopy with the warning, "Abandon hope all ye who enter here."

I think I'll dance next time.




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